13~ She's Gone

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Timothy had Fudge pinned against the marble wall.

"Where does it go?!"

"It doesn't go anywhere, they're dead!" Fudge said, trying to get free.

"They can't be dead! They're not dead!"

"Look boy, I'm sorry this happened, it's a terrible tragedy-"

"She's not dead!"

"If she was alive, don't you think she would've come back by now?"

Timothy felt like all the air had left his lungs. Why hadn't she come back?

"If... if she's gone... it's your fault."

"It's not my fault. The girl ran into the veil despite various people protesting, and-"

"Use her name! She's not just 'the girl'!"

"It was Grace's fault." He said, looking exhausted. "And finishing my earlier sentence, she is gone."

"No! It is your fault! If you had listened to Grace and her friends in their third year when Sirius Black escaped, none of this would've happened!"

"What evidence did we have?"

"Four teenagers telling you that this happened!"

"The words of teenagers are not as reliable as one might think-"


Timothy's shout echoed all through the halls of the ministry, then he let out a sob.

"Was... was reliable."

Remus ran over, his own eyes were red and he pulled the boy into a tight hug as they both cried.

. . .

Arthur Was numb. But he had to be strong, he had to tell Molly and the children. Explain to them that Grace wasn't coming back. Ron and Ginny didn't seem to realize...

He got them home, including Charlie and Bill who both seemed to be in a state of shock.

It was about three in the morning when Fred and George stumbled into the burrow's living room, looking exhausted.

"What's going on?" Fred asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Where's Grace?" George asked, looking around.

"Sit down." Arthur said quietly.

Fred and George exchanged a look, and Fred grabbed his twin's hand before they sat down on the couch. Everyone was quiet for several minutes.

"She's in the hospital again, I'm guessing?" Fred said, breaking the silence.

Arthur took a breath.

"Grace... is gone. Her and Sirius... made a mistake. They're both dead."

Molly let out a cry and Arthur caught her as she fell, holding her close. Ron just stared at the wall blankly, Ginny turned to Bill for comfort.

"She... she can't be..." George managed, standing up and running to the sink, bending over it as if he was about to be sick.

There was a crack, and Fred disappeared, appearing in Hogsmeade.

Before long he was in the castle and then outside Gryffindor house. The fat lady took one look at his red face and swung open.

Lee was pacing around the common room, he obviously hadn't been sleeping.

"You were supposed to protect her!" Fred shouted as soon as he saw his friend.

"I was in class! I had no idea she was missing!" Lee snapped immediately, although confused. "Is she okay?"

"So? You didn't get worried when she wasn't there for dinner?!"

"I was late, one of the girls said she had left with Harry and I thought they were having another study session! As soon as I realized they weren't in the nook, I started looking! Where is she?"

"Well great job Jordan! Now she's dead!"


"She's dead Lee! She's gone, my baby sister..."

Fred sank onto the couch, beginning to cry, gut wrenching sobs echoing around the common room.

Lee felt his knees give out and he collapsed. She couldn't be dead, there was no way. Not his Grace...

"Fred..." he whispered. "Please say you're drunk and joking..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

. . .

Neville felt empty and his chest was so tight he couldn't breathe.

Tonks, as everyone was calling her, had taken him home and explained the situation to his grandmother. She was extremely proud and wanted to celebrate, of course, when she heard about Grace she was immediately horrified and let him go to bed. And he did immediately.

Currently he was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. All the things he could've done differently running through his head.

Insisting that Grace stay by his side.

As soon as Sirius got hit, grabbing her.

Stopping her before she ran into it.

Forcing her to stay at Hogwarts.

It was his fault, his best friend was dead because he was stupid and slow to react. The Weasley family was missing someone very important because of him.

Because of him.

Hello everyone! I'm going to assume you're still speaking to me, and I have a request.

I want to put chapter names on each chapter, and I'd appreciate some ideas. So if you could do a little rereading and PM me titles, I'd really appreciate it! Thank you!

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