2~ Off We Go

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"Grace, are you ready?" Lee shouted from downstairs.


Grace sealed the letter and put it on Lee's pillow. As a second thought, she grabbed Lee's favorite hoody from the closet and shoved it in her bag with the expansion charm, she brought that little backpack everywhere, he'd never know.

That's a lie, he'll know as soon as you walk downstairs.

Shaking her head quickly, and smoothing her casual blue dress, she walked out of her room, taking a last look around her small house for what would be quite a while. Her and Lee had been working so hard on it.

"I'll be back." She whispered.

Her eyes landed on the picture of her and Lee on their wedding day. He had insisted on hanging it above the fireplace. It looked perfect and would forever be a reminder of that perfect moment.

Her picture waved from the frame, she was smiling and there was a stray tear on her face. Picture Lee tilted her chin up, thinking the picture was done and wiped it off her cheek before kissing her forehead.

She would be forever grateful that moment was caught.

"What'd you say?" Lee asked, coming up from behind and putting his arms around her.

"Nothing, just talking to myself."

He looked down at her, seeming to realize he wasn't going to see her for a while. He closed his eyes and kissed her cheek.

"We have a few minutes."

He reached over and turned on the cd player.

So she said what's the problem, baby?

What's the problem, I don't know.

Well maybe I'm in love...

"Lee... we'll be late." Grace said quietly as he turned her around.

"I don't care."

He put an arm around her waist and spun her around.

Accidentally in love...

. . .


Grace ran and jumped into his arms and he spun her around then hugged her.

"Feel old yet?" She teased.

"Hey! You got married before me."

"You're the one in your mid twenties."

"Oh thanks for the boost of confidence sis."


He lowered his voice and pulled her to a quieter area.

"Look, I know the plan, and I know you're going." He said quickly. "But... are you absolutely sure? You and Lee just got married."

"Bill... I have to." she insisted. "I'm not leaving Hermione with two well-meaning boneheads for nine months when we're not even sure what we're looking for."

"I just... fine. I know I can't stop you or talk you out of it. But Fleur and I will be at Shell Cottage if you ever need help, okay? Promise me you'll come straight there if something goes wrong."

"I promise, I will."

"Thank you, and Gia?"


"I love you, be careful."

"I love you too, and you do the same."

"I will."

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