6~ Evans?

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It was the end of March. Grace had turned 14 and she was now sure she had a crush on Lee Jordan. Especially since she had heard what he told her after the Quidditch incident...

It was time for another DADA class, but everyone immediately deflated when Snape walked into the room.

"Sir! Where is professor Lupin?" A Hufflpuff girl asked.

"He is... unwell. I am your teacher until then. Turn to page 394."

Grace opened her book to the page, saw what it was, slammed the book shut, and stood, eyes flashing.

Grace never made a fuss in class, and everyone's voices dropped to a whisper.

"We're not there yet." She snapped. "And you damn well know it."

Shocked silence, you could hear a feather hit the ground.

Neville tugged on Grace's sleeve, but she ignored him, forcing Snape to look her in the eyes.

All Snape could think was how much she looked like Katherine Evans. Grace's green eyes flashing a darker green, to black, to purple and back.

"I can see the Evans in you." He said suddenly, shocking himself and quickly added. "Exactly like your mudblood mother."


The last name left Grace nearly speechless, but she pushed it out of the way to deal with later.

"Never. Talk about my mother. We are not on this lesson, we are on evil fairy folk. And you know. You're just angry and jealous, bringing up past problems that have been resolved."

"Detention, Miss. Weasley."

"Go ahead. We're still on the wrong chapter. We're on page 243. How to deal with evil fairy folk. Did that get through your thick skull? There's not any smaller words I can use."

"It is not my fault that this-"

Grace didn't let him finish, she grabbed her wand and pointed it at him thinking.


Snape's mouth was taped shut and the whole class looked at Grace in shock. A spell, on a teacher? Was she insane?

Snape fumbled with his wand until he finally managed to detach his mouth and looked at Grace, more angry then she had ever seen.

"Miss. Weasley, I have heard quite enough! Come with me, we're going to your head of house, and if I have my way, you'll be headed straight home."

Grace packed her things and held her head high as she left the room. She saw several people holding back smiles and she didn't regret one word or action.

She went straight to Professor Mcgonngal's office and Snape told her what had happened.

When he left there was a tense silence until Grace spoke up.

"I won't apologize, Minnie." The nickname slipped out without her realizing it and she kept going. "He skipped to werewolves on purpose, he's taking that right from Remus, and he's trying to get someone to figure it out, so he has to leave. Werewolves are not all evil! Hardly any of them are! But they're shunned, outcasts, they're normal most of the time!"

There was a stoney silence and Grace sighed.

"I don't regret my actions, so I suppose I'll go pack up." She stood and turned to go.

"Sit down, Grace."

Grace obeyed and looked at her, the silence grew as Professor Mcgonngal tried to decide what to do with her and Grace blurted out.

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