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To say Lee was in absolute panic was an understatement.

First his best friend turned out not to be dead, then they couldn't find Grace anywhere, when they did, the shock had sent her into labor and now they wouldn't let him in there with her.

He was holding on by a thread. Not that anyone else was much better.

Ginny was furious at Fred, even though it wasn't his fault, not really. Sirius was there and talking with Arthur, Molly and Bill. Charlie was on his way. Ron had gone to find Hermione and Harry.

Which left Fred and George to try to keep Lee sane.

Until Timothy showed up. Which led to George hurriedly catching up Lee and Fred on what had happened at the funeral.

"I want to see my sister. Now."

"Lee isn't even allowed in there." Fred snapped.

"And she doesn't want to see you." George finished.

Timothy's eyes widened in shock as George suddenly hugged Fred tightly and Lee took a shaky breath, saying quietly.

"I will never be annoyed by you two doing that ever again."

He then turned back to Timothy.

"I do not want to see you anywhere near Grace, or the rest of my family again ever again. Not until you grow up and stop trying to isolate her. That is abusive behavior and I do not trust you at all. Now leave or I'll get Bill to arrange a day in Azkaban for you."

As soon as he left, Lee sank back into his chair and put his head in his hands.

A few minutes later, his parents sat on either side of him and Jaz touched his back.

"Lee, dear? Are you alright?"

"No. I don't understand all these stupid muggle terms since they brought in a few doctors from there, and why they won't let me back there with her. What if she doesn't know I'm here? What if something goes wrong and I'm not with her? She panics mom... really bad sometimes. I can barely calm her down, let alone strangers." He was sounding more and more frustrated.

"Do you know what the nurse said?" Jaz asked gently. "And trust me, she was told."

"A c-section? I don't know what that is." He glanced at the clock again. "It's been 11 hours."

"Oh... well that's common with multiples, bud.." Joseph spoke up. "Basically they're going to cut open her stomach and uterus to get the babies out as safely as possible."


"Shh! Lee Jordan! Calm down. It's a fairly normal thing. I had one with you." Jaz exclaimed.


"She'll be alright. I'm positive, okay?" His dad put a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me. We're in the Wizarding world, she'll be fine. I was reading some books about it and the kids won't even have a NICU stay. Some potion they'll give them."

"Lee Jordan?"

Lee was on his feet and across the room to the nurses station in half a second.

"Me, that's me! Is everything okay?"

Everyone crowded around behind him to hear and even the air seemed to stand still.

"Congratulations, you have three healthy babies, two boys and one girl." The nurse was beaming. "Mama is doing great and babies are doing amazingly well for being triplets. I don't think they'll even need time in the NICU."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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