Chapter 4 (part one)

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Grace woke with a start at 2 a.m. the next morning. Her bed was a mess and her heart was beating faster than it should've been. She could still hear the cold laugh echoing in her ears. 

I can't go to Fred and George, I went a few nights ago, no bothering them tonight. She told herself firmly, before remembering where she was.

Hogwarts. I'm finally here! She laid back down for a moment but then decided she'd rather be up. She realized with a start, she hadn't written to Remus last night. Hopefully he hadn't worried. As quietly as she could, Grace pulled out a quill and the blue notebook. 


I hope you're doing alright, and you can respond soon. But don't worry if you can't.

The train ride yesterday was wonderful! I saw Harry again, he's so different. But then, we were little. Something seems off but I don't know what it is. He bought all the snacks off the trolley. I don't think he's been eating enough. But he'll be fine now! There's plenty of food here.

George, Fred, their friend Lee Jordan and I, flooded Draco Malfoy's compartment, the spell was super easy, the hardest part was sealing the door but Lee did that. It was only waist high so there was no fear of drowning. They didn't see us and a perfect came and got them out before the train stopped. I think it was a good prank, do you think Siri would've liked it? I'll write to him soon. I've been thinking of him a lot recently. Maybe because it's almost the 16th of September. Do you think if he hadn't come out of hiding, he would still be at his house? I shouldn't have told him about papa.

I was sorted into Gryffindor during the sorting ceremony just like you were! Do you think mama would be happy? The hat seemed to think I belonged in all of the houses. I wonder why. 

I love you. Stay safe, I hope I see you really soon.


By the time she was done, only fifteen minutes had passed. She had debated telling him about the aparating, but didn't want him concerned about it. She was fine so why worry about it? After fiddling with her blanket for a couple minutes, she decided that a shower might be a good idea. She gathered her clothes and toiletries and headed to the bathroom, careful not to wake the three other girls in her room. 

Grace locked the bathroom door behind her and glanced in the mirror. Her thick hair was past her waist when it was all brushed out and down, and she still tanned easily, that was from her mom. So were the green eyes. 

When she was done she found a spell for drying and after five or six tries her hair was dry enough to do something with. Sitting on her bed Grace braided it. Her robe was next to her on the bed but she wasn't going to put it on yet. When she was younger she'd been worried that robes were the only thing they wore but Bill had explained that they only had to wear those to class and sometimes meals. He also told her that most students often carried them over their arms to the next class so they didn't have to deal with them the whole time. 

Currently, she was wearing some old shorts she had found at a thrift store (most of her clothes came from them) and a dark purple t-shirt with a wolf on it. It had reminded her of Remus when she saw it and was thrilled when it fit her. Grace decided to go down to the common room and hang out till the others woke up. She clasped on the couch and tried to read.

It was about 2:45 now and Grace was bored to death. She had read all of her school books at home and none of her others were striking her fancy. On top of that, the shadows were starting to freak her out. She checked her journal again to see if Remus had written back.

He still hadn't.

Right when she felt the nightmares creeping back there was a soft creek as the common room door opened. Grace turned to see who it was but didn't fully see until it was too late.

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