2~ Unfortunate Reunions

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When Molly came to wake up Grace the next morning, she was already awake. She hadn't wanted to bother the twins and had stayed up all night reading to ward off nightmares.

"Good morning mum." She whispered as Molly kissed her forehead and then woke Ginny.

"Good morning dear, grab your backpack and come eat, you'll be leaving soon."

"Alright." Grace grabbed her bag with her clothes and things, and then then left Ginny to get dressed.

"Are you okay?" George asked as soon as she walked downstairs and sat down. "You didn't come to bed last night."

"I'm fine, just wasn't tired." Grace said easily.

"Alright..." Fred looked doubtful.

"Don't worry." Grace reached for a biscuit and sausage. "Eat. We've got to go."

"We know, no need to boss." George grumbled.

Grace looked away and picked at her biscuit, eating a little but not much, until Arthur was ready to leave.

"Wait!" Molly snapped. "George, what's that in your pocket?"

"Nothing Mum." He said innocently, but Grace could tell he was lying and Molly obviously could as well.


Several of the bright colored treats shot out of his pockets and Grace inwardly gasped as Molly tossed them in the trash. Fred and George had worked very hard on those.

"Mum! We spent six months on those!" Fred said.

"Six months! No wonder you didn't get many owls!"

After several minutes, all the candies were disposed of. Fred and George were blank faced as they left the house without another word.

Grace hung back as everyone filed out and Molly left the room, then, slipping her wand out of her bag, muttered a quick spell, causing all the sweets to jump into a small bag she was holding out, then she dashed outside, hiding it under her coat.

"Fred, George!" Grace whispered, catching up to them. "I-"

"We don't want to talk right now." Fred snapped.


"Grace don't." George said. "Leave us be."

Grace silently held out the bag and when George took it to inspect the contents, she ran to Hermione without another word.

"Hey, ready for this?"

. . .

Grace slipped away from the campsite as soon as she could, before the twins could corner her, deciding to go find Neville.

It wasn't too hard to find him, she heard his grandmother's voice from across the campground and threw a rock at the tent to get his attention.

When he met her outside she hugged him before saying anything. He hugged her back and they stayed like that for a moment.

Grace finally pulled away and wiped her eyes.


"No problem, are you okay?"

"Yes. No. I'm not sure." She sat down on a bench.

He sat down next to her and Grace turned to where she was facing him, pulling a leg onto the bench. Neville looked at her, waiting quietly.

Grace started talking. She explained all the fights between Molly and the twins about the shop dream.

"And because of all those fights, they've been grumpy and what not and very snappish....I haven't really slept in a week. And... I.. I have a crush on Lee."

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