3~ Ministry

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Grace slept the rest of that day and into the next until Sirius woke her sometime after noon.

"You need to come eat something. And we're discussing possible Horcruxes."

She got up quickly and followed him downstairs, Addy was there too, her eyes red from crying. Grace sat down slowly, confused and concerned. A plate was already waiting for her and she started picking at it, not having much of an appetite.

"So we found out who RAB is on the note." Hermione informed her softly. "It's Regulus Black, Sirius's brother, Addy's twin. Evidently he betrayed You-Know-Who and stole the locket, gave it to Kreacher... and died in the process. They thought he betrayed us."

"That's impossible though, I didn't see him in the lake!" Harry insisted. "I would've known it was him, you two always wore the same necklace." He looked at Adhera. "I've seen pictures, I would've recognized it!"

Adhara gripped her necklace tightly. Half a heart, the side with Regules's name.

"H-he probably just took his off." She insisted quietly. "Kreacher saw him being dragged into the lake."

"No, because we charmed them, remember? So you wouldn't lose them." Sirius said.

Addy froze suddenly.

"Sirius... wasn't part of that spell... it would only fall off when..."

Her voice trailed off and she stood and hugged Sirius.

"I'll be back. I don't know when, but I will."

She ran out as Sirius stood up.

"What are you talking about?!"

She was already gone.

"Does anyone understand what just happened?"

The teens shook their heads and Sirius slowly sat back down.

"Alright, we know that on the day we were missing in the veil, Fletcher stole a bunch of stuff, including that locket." He said slowly. "And it was probably sold..."

"Umbridge." Grace said triumphantly.

She pointed at the picture of her on the daily Prophet. Sure enough, the toad was wearing the locket.

Grace's hand started burning and she looked down at the scar.

I must not talk back

Sirius saw it and bit the inside of his mouth hard, wishing he could remove it. But with it being magical, it would always be there.

Grace saw the expression on his face and looked down.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Don't lie."

"It doesn't hurt bad."


"I'm fine, Sirius."


There was a long silence. Hermione looked at Grace worriedly. Harry and Ron could tell something was off but wisely kept their mouths shut.

"I think Harry, Ron and I should go get the necklace." Hermione said quietly. "Not to be mean Grace, but I don't think you're in the best state of mind for undercover."

Grace nodded, not wanting to argue, Hermione was probably right anyway.

A week and a half later, they were ready. Hermione hugged Grace and whispered.

"Meet us in the Quidditch forest tonight. You can get everything set up and ready for us."

Grace just nodded again and stood up.

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