2~ Chocolate Is a Cure All

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"Are you sure she'll be okay? She's been out for hours." Hermione fretted.

"She will be, don't worry." Remus said.

"Too late." Neville's voice sounded strained.

Grace groaned and opened her eyes, Ron helped her sit up.

"What happened?" She asked.

"There was a dementor." Remus explained. "Harry had a hard time too... Here." he handed her some chocolate.

"Thanks." She whispered, she was still shaking uncontrollably.

"What did you see?" Remus asked softly.

Grace looked away.

"Father." She whispered. "Right before..." she bit her lip and closed her eyes, concentrating on not digging her nails into her arm.

Remus rubbed her hand, the train slowly came to a stop and he stood up and gestured to her and Harry.

"Come, we need to get you two checked in the hospital wing, just to be safe."

Harry followed slowly, but when Grace tried to stand, everything went blurry and she had to sit down again, breathing hard.

"Grace?" Remus was kneeling in front of her. "Hold on."

He picked her up and they left the train and got on a carriage.

"Take slow, deep breaths." He instructed.

Grace did as she was told, mentally cursing herself for being so weak.

"I'm such a weak idiot." She muttered under her breath, quiet enough that no one could hear her.

Before long they had made it to the castle, Remus picked her up again and Harry followed as they walked to the hospital wing, it was on the first floor so it wasn't a long walk.

Remus put her down on a bed and smiled at her.

"You're actually gaining a little weight!" He said. "That's great!"

"Bill said I grew some too."

"You did, now, I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't tell you about being on the train?"

"Well, I figured you're probably the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Grace said.

"Spot on! I had planned on surprising you, but with the dementors and all..."

They were quiet for a moment, Madame Pomfrey had sent Harry off and was getting something for Grace to drink.

"That feeling... is that how Siri had to feel all of the time?" Grace whispered.

Remus breathed hard through his nose.

"Yes." He said shortly.


"Grace Lynn Katherine, drop it."


"I said drop it."

"Yes sir."

"I have a meeting with Dumbledore. Don't move until Madame Pomfrey says you may." He started to leave the room, but sighed and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, but you need to be careful."

"I know, I just... I don't believe he did that."

He sighed again as Madame Pomfrey handed her a bottle that Grace quickly drained.

"I know." He turned and left the room, passing the twins and Lee on his way.

"Gigi!" Fred exclaimed, running over and enveloping her in a hug. "What happened? Are you okay?"

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