11!!!! Actual Yule Ball

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Grace felt like she was floating as she twirled in her dress, watching her reflection in the mirror. It spun perfectly and she was absolutely in love with it.

The boys had let her use the dorm to get ready, she had put a nice flower headband in her hair. No makeup, but she had done a spell to hide her acne, even though she didn't have much.

There was a knock at the door and she looked towards it.

"Who is it?" She called, the door cracked open and Fred's voice came from the other side.

"Hey, are you ready? Lee's about to burst from excitement." He asked.

"You can come in." Grace said.

He did, he was wearing his suit and looked at Grace with a small smile.

"Oh, Gigi, you look beautiful." He said, walking across the room and hugging her.

"You think so?" She asked, hugging him back. "I wasn't sure..."

"Nope, no negative thoughts. You look beautiful, Lee is going to flip!"

Grace blushed and smiled, Fred took her arm and started to take her downstairs.

"Wait!" Grace grabbed two bundles of flowers off the bed. "These are for you and George to give to Alicia and Angelina, I know you forgot."

Fred laughed.

"Thanks. We totally did, leave it to Grace to save our lives."

Grace smiled and shook her head as they walked down the stairs. George was waiting halfway down and Grace handed him the flowers and took his arm as well.

Lee was pacing in the common room, he was wearing a dark blue suit and tie looking especially nervous and worried.

When he saw Grace, he felt his heart speed up like it always did when she walked in the room, but now, now was different.

When she got to him, he offered his arm, and after receiving a nod from the twins, Grace took it.

"Are you ready?" She asked, her smile making fireworks explode in his stomach.

"You bet I am."

They left the common room and joined the other couples on the way to the great hall which had been decorated beautifully.

After the champions had been introduced, the first song started, but before Lee could ask, Fred and George each grabbed one of Grace's hands. Grace rolled her eyes and tried to hide her smile.

"Guys, I love you but what about your dates?"

"They insisted we do this, actually." George said as the beat picked up.

"Then you can go with Lee and have more fun." Fred teased. "Now, I'll take her first Georgie, you go entertain the ladies and keep our friend out of the way."

The weird sisters started singing and Fred spun her around then brought her tinwhere her back was against her chest and she laughed.

By the time the song was over, Grace was out of breath but laughing. Fred cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead, Grace put her hands on his and smiled, looking up at him.

"What is it?"

"I know you and Lee are ready for this, I'm not really, but I want you to know that I am proud of you."

"I'm not getting married-" she started, blushing.

"Oh hush, I know. But it's just around the corner."

"I'm almost fifteen, that's not very old."

"And a war is fast approaching. Go dance with George. Then we'll leave you with Lee."

George came up and took her hand as a slower song started playing.

"Are you doing okay? I have your inhaler if you need it, just tell someone."

"I'm fine, Fred just got sappy with me... do you really think the war is going to be soon?"

George bit his lip, thinking about his answer, and put an arm around her waist, starting to walz slowly. Grace put her head on his chest and he sighed.

"Gigi... it's going to come before we're ready. Was it about you and Lee?"

Grace nodded against his chest.

"We've talked about that, actually. And if there is a war, and you two stay together, we're okay with you getting married, and I'm sure mum and dad would as well." He smiles. "Just no babies, sound good?"

Grace turned scarlet and shook her head quickly.

"No! I'm not ready, I'm nowhere close to ready, does Lee want to?! I don't even want to have sex, not now-"

"You are absolutely not having it tonight, you're fourteen. Gigi, breathe, I was kidding. Let's move on okay?"

When the song came to an end, George kissed her forehead and spun her one last time before handing her to a nervous but excited Lee.

Start song if you haven't 🎵 😉

The next song began and Grace smiled to herself when she recognized the lyrics, Lee took her hand and pure happiness just seemed to cascaded down on her.

"Can I have this dance?" Lee asked quietly.

"I don't know, can you?" Grace whispered.


The lyrics seemed to float around them, giving Grace and extra boost and she felt like she could go on forever, as long as Lee was there. It was like no one else was there watching them.

Her green eyes met his brown. They were very light, she hadn't ever paid attention before, especially with him being nearly five inches taller.

Grace licked her lips and glanced down, remembering how close they had been when George woke up and interrupted them. She looked back up at his eyes and they asked a silent question, she nodded.

Lee grinned, and put one arm around her waist to bring her up to the tips of her toes, then leaned down slightly, tipping her chin up with his hand, then kissed her.

Grace closed her eyes and kissed him back. It was awkward for a moment, but then butterflies exploded in her stomach and Lee tightened his arm around her.

She wasn't sure who pulled away first, but when they did, Lee rested his forehead on hers.

"I am accidentally in love."

. . .

The night was nearly over when Dumbledore approached Lee and Grace who were laughing and having some punch.

"I need to talk to you about something, Miss. Weasley. Get changed and meet me in my office. You may tag along Mr. Jordan."

Grace felt frozen for a moment, and her and Lee exchanged a look, then went to get changed.

When they got to his office, Dumbledore gestured for them to sit down. Lee obeyed and Grace did so slowly, he wasn't trying to read her mind at the moment, and she was suspicious.

"Miss. Weasley, this is a very serious question, and I need you to give me an honest answer. Understand?"

"Yes sir..." Grace said hesitantly, fiddling with her invisibility necklace.

"Are you sure your brother is dead?"

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