8~ Imperio

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Several people looked at her uneasily.

"Ah yes." Said Moody with a slight smile. "The last, and the worst, the killing curse."

He grabbed the last spider, and pointed his wand at it, shouting.

"Avada Kedavra!"

There was a flash of green light and Grace screamed along with a few other students, and the spider was dead.

At this point, Grace couldn't stop shaking and didn't hear another word that was said, in fact, she was hardly aware of anything until Neville pulled her to her feet and helped her out of class. He didn't look too good himself, and they backed into a window seat together.

Neither of them spoke, both horrified and feeling sick. After a minute, Hermione came over with Harry and Ron.

"Are you two okay?"

Neville started talking in a slightly high pitched voice. Grace wasn't paying enough attention to work out what he was saying, but she snapped back to reality when Moody got there. His voice was gentler than anyone had ever heard.

"It's alright sonny," he said to Neville. "Why don't we go to my office? We can have some tea."

Neville looked terrified at the thought of having tea with Moody, and Grace didn't blame him.

Moody looked at the four of them.

"You've got to know, it may seem harsh, but you've got to know. No point pretending, come one then Longbottom, I've got some books that'll interest you."

Grace started to try and follow them, but Moody gave her a look and she stopped.

"You need to lay down." He instructed. "I knew this would be hard on you." He left, Neville in tow.

"We'll send the twins or Lee up here." Hermione said, giving Grace a worried look. "Just sit down and relax."

Grace obeyed, and waited.

After about ten minutes, Lee came up the stairs, looking anxious.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, sitting next to her. "If I had known he was doing this, I would've been outside waiting for you."

Grace just shrugged, not trusting her voice.


"I'm fine." She said, her voice cracking.

Lee hugged her.

"I didn't think... I thought you wouldn't be learning about that yet. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I know- what the heck?"

Grace looked out the window and saw an owl there, holding a letter with familiar handwriting.

She quickly shoved open the window, handing the owl a treat that she usually kept for one of her animals, and took the letter, carefully ripping it open.

Gracie Lynn,

I'm on my way there, I'm sure Harry told you about his scar hurting.
Did you really find my coat? That's amazing, I thought it was gone for good.
Don't try to convince me not to come, you can't stop me. I promise I'll be careful. Use different owls whenever you send a letter.
Love you.

Grace groaned. "Lovely, just great. He's an idiot."

"No kidding." Lee said as Grace stuffed the note in her pocket. "But we should go."

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