2~ Weekend away

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"Oh just kiss already!" Grace groaned, dropping her book on the bed and flopping back onto the bed.

Hermione glanced up with an amused look.

"Oh Grace, Mr. Darcy is too prideful. It's literally in the title."

"I know. I just..." Her voice trailed off and she stared out the window.

Hermione looked up, and concern filled her face.

"Grace, you've been staring out the window all day. What's wrong?"

"It's just... Lee and I were in muggle London the other day, and everyone was staring at us, I don't understand why. We were wearing muggle clothes and everything. And they were looking at Lee like he wasn't trustworthy or something, and kept asking me if I was okay."

Hermione looked extremely uncomfortable as she took a breath before speaking.

"Grace... what's a big difference between you and Lee?"

Grace's nose scrunched up in confusion.

"Our height?"

Hermione laughed a bit.

"No, I mean, yes. But it's not what I was referring to, I was referring to your skin."

"What about it?"

Hermione sighed.

"Lee is black."

"Yeah? So? What does that have to do with anything?"

"In the muggle world, that wasn't a good thing not too long ago. Most people still don't think it is."

"Why wouldn't it be a good thing? What's wrong with his skin color? I think it's beautiful."

"And you should, but muggles... it's so hard to explain. Basically, they thought being black was less than... and they weren't really people. They were slaves, and many were abused terribly."

"That's terrible!" Grace exclaimed, tears filling her eyes. "All because of their skin color?"

"Yes... I'm sorry you two have faced this."

"Me too."

. . .

"Guys, we'll be fine. Go enjoy your getaway." Grace insisted. "We've got Sarah."

"Well... if you're sure." Fred said hesitantly.

Angelina sighed and her and Grace exchanged a tired look.

"Just go." Lee shoved them out the door.

"That was... aggressive."

"They need a few nights out."

"I know."

"So, what's dinner? I can go get the supplies." Lee offered.

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