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"Anyone want to go on a raid with me?" Arthur asked tiredly.

The past few weeks, he had been taking Ginny and Ron along with him and Bill and Charlie when they were checking for dark magic items from death eaters houses. It distracted all of them except for Grace who was way too exhausted to even think about it.

Sarah was sitting on her lap at the moment, but when George walked in, she started squealing in excitement.


The room went completely silent, Angelina took the little redhead quickly and left the room, George was just standing there, not moving.

This hadn't happened before and no one knew what to do.

After a minute, Arthur left with Ron and Ginny to meet Bill and Charlie, then Molly went to the kitchen. No one spoke.

George was still standing there and Grace stood up, slowly walking towards him.

He turned and bolted up the stairs just as she was about to touch him, but she followed.

The bathroom door slammed and she heard him start to cry.

Taking a breath,, Grace slowly inched the door open just in time to see him punch the mirror.

She yelped and he looked over, saw her, then whispered.

"I hate seeing him everyday."

His hand was cut open and she stared at it for a few minutes until the blood dripped on the floor.

"You're bleeding." Grace whispered, pushing the door open all the way.

"I don't care."

"I don't."

She walked in and pulled the first aid kit out of the sink cabinet, she'd worry about the glass later.

She had him sit on the stool and she sat on the edge of the bathtub, taking his hand and started pulling the pieces of glass out with the tweezers.

"What if you dyed your hair?" She asked softly as he winced. "Sorry."

"It's fine, and... that's probably a good idea."

"I can cut it too, what if you shaved it on one side? I know you thought about that before.

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off.

Once she was finished cleaning his hand, she bandaged it and made him look at her so their eyes met.

"Fred would be proud of you."

George broke and Grace hugged him as he began sobbing. Trying to stay calm.

It didn't work for long and by then George was holding her as well.

Healing began.

. . .

Grace left the house quietly to not wake Lee, and aparated to the joke shop, then slowly walked up the stairs to Fred and George's flat. It had been six months since the battle, and no one had come up here. Understandably so.

Taking a breath and putting a hand on her stomach as one baby kicked, Grace opened the apartment door, walking into the apartment. After glancing around the living room, she looked into her room, it looked exactly how she had left it a year ago, except for her bed which had obviously been occupied, and her books that were all over her desk, supposedly where someone had been trying to figure out where she was.

Across the hall was Fred's room, his and Angelina's that is. But before she had moved in it had been just Fred's.

Without giving herself a chance to think, she opened his door and walked in.

Muggle posters covered the walls, as well as old advertisements for the shop and products.

Clothes were everywhere from when Angelina had thrown together a bag as they left for a safe place the night of the war.

A few things were still I'm the closest and Grace went over to it, pulling out Fred's jacket and pulling it on, then got in the bed. One of the babies kicked in protest and she rolled to the other side, pulling the blanket over her head.

It still smelled like him, and it didn't take for her long to fall asleep.

Hours later there was a crash and she jerked awake, and stood up too quickly causing her to sit down.

"Gigi?!" Fred-

No. It was George.

He ran in to see her on the floor and dropped by her side, pulling her close.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Holy shit you're pregnant!"

"I'm fine George, stop goofing around. I've been dizzy before." She said, then wrinkled her nose. "You smell terrible, what happened? I've Only been gone for a few hours."

"Grace, it's me... see, both ears."

He gently pushed her away so she could see for herself.

Air didn't seem to be reaching her lungs. This wasn't George, different voice, different hair and freckles. But Fred was gone, this was impossible.

"This isn't funny." her voice was shaking. "George, stop it!"

That's when George walked in and Grace started screaming.

And then her water broke. 

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