4~ Lockhart Causes (even more) Problems

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Professor Sprout, who taught herbology, was a favorite teacher of Hogwarts, she was almost always happy and kind to all the students and teachers, at least, it used to be all the teachers.

When the 2nd years got to herbology, she was scowling at Lockhart who was giving her 'pointers' of how to take care of the damaged Whomping Willow tree that Ron and Harry had crashed into.

"Not that I know more than your teacher of course!" Lockhart said modestly. "I just happen to know a chap who is an expert on them."

"Go to greenhouse three everyone." Professor Sprout said sternly. All the students went that way excitedly, they had never gone into that house before. Lockhart followed, he grabbed Grace and Harry and asked for a word, shutting the door in the Professor's face when she tried to protest.

"Oh, Harry, oh Harry, Harry, Harry. Well I blame myself of course... I'm just surprised you weren't with him Miss Gansta..."

"It's Weasley." Grace and Harry said at the same time.

It didn't faze him.

"You can't let fame go to your head you know," Lockhart continued. "Myself, I've had to learn many things the hard way."

"Sir, we're late for class," Grace said firmly. "We're late as it is."

"Oh, quite right. But I see you have some problems Miss Gansta, bossy, demanding, needy, attention seeking, and manipulative, tsk, you won't go far in this world with that attitude." And with that he left a stunned and worried girl in his wake.

. . .

That night Grace didn't go to bed with the twins, and wouldn't tell them why. She didn't the next night, or the next. By the fourth morning she was an exhausted mess, Kayda was flying around her worriedly, the small dragon obviously hadn't kept her nightmares away. Hermione told the twins privately that she must have put a silencing charm around her bed, because her and the other girls had slept fine.

Grace was determined not to be anything Gilderoy Lockhart had said she was, just because he was an arrogant twat, didn't mean he was wrong. Hadn't she kept her family up all night on more than one occasion? That counted for all of those things, and telling her brothers or Ginny what to do would definitely be considered bossy.

Ginny seemed to be adjusting well since she wasn't really talking to the rest of her siblings much, often hanging out with other first years.

A young boy named Colin had been following them everywhere he could since the first day, it was a week he finally worked up the courage to ask Harry for a picture, he had a camera similar to Grace's.

"A picture?" Harry asked blankly.

"Yeah! You know, if I develop them in a certain potion, they'll move! I'm a muggleborn see, I didn't know about all this stuff, my dad's a milkman...." He went on and on, and Harry was obviously flabbergasted. Lockhart forced him to take a picture, he would've tried to grab Grace but she ran as soon as he came into sight.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was the next and last.class. that day. Before he started he called her to his office to congratulate her on not handing out signed photos. He didn't listen when she said that Harry wasn't and shooed her off to class.

"Today, we'll be learning about these pixes," he indicated several fairies in a few cages. "Learning by doing!" He threw open the cages and dozens of them flew everywhere. A particularly small one landed on Grace's shoulder and hid from the chaos in her hair. Lockhart ran for the cover of his office, grabbing his pictures as he went, and all the students dodged under desks. A few of them grabbed Neville and hooked his shirt on the chandelier.

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