5~ Umbridge

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One month into the new term, and Umbridge had quickly become the most hated teacher in Hogwarts. Even more than Snape. She wasn't letting them use magic and they were reading a stupid book that had no information.

"She looks like the pink version of Trevor." Grace whispered with a look of disgust at the DADA teacher. "But Trevor has more personality."

At her last comment, Neville and the twins started to laugh, and Lee choked on his soup then put his head on the table.

"Are you okay?" Grace asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He nodded and stood up, taking her hand as they left the great hall.

"I just... I love you."

Grace smiled, her cheeks turning red as she kissed him, whispering.

"I lo-"

"Hem hem!"

Someone pushed them apart and they turned too look at Professor Umbridge with unbelief.

"Excuse me." Lee said politely with an edge to his voice. "That's my girlfriend, and I was speaking to her." He pulled Grace back to him and put an arm around her waist.

"And there is a new rule saying that public displays of affection are prohibited." Umbridge informed, her high and girly voice was grating on Grace's nerves.

"Okay, well we'll just go somewhere private then." Lee said as nicely as he could manage, taking Grace's hand again and pulling her away.

They only got a few yards when she sent a spell to separate them roughly, causing Lee to lose his balance and fall over, landing on his backside.

"What the hell?!" Grace shouted at the woman, helping Lee up.

"Grace, I'm fine. Don't-"

Grace ignored him and looked at Umbridge.

"Don't touch him."

"Detention in my office tonight."

"Yes ma'am." Grace said in a high and obviously fake polite voice.

Lee was pale. "You shouldn't have done that. You've seen what she's doing to Harry!"

"I'll be fine. Try to avoid telling the twins where I am?"

"Yeah, I guess." Lee sighed.

"Don't worry, I've been through worse." Grace said with a small smile, kissing him.

. . .

While Grace had been through worse, her hand still hurt like hell. Umbridge had kept her there for nine hours, and given her detention for the rest of the week.

The quill cut the words she wrote into her skin.

Her right hand was still bleeding and she managed to wrap it with her left, the only good thing she could find in this situation was that she was left handed and this wouldn't affect her writing.

I must not talk back

What a lovely scar.

The extra detentions were because she had pointed out that she had to talk back to Umbridge in order to have a conversation.

The toad had not appreciated that.

When Grace entered the common room, she was immediately surrounded by some very worried boys, she tried to hide her hand, but failed as George gently grabbed it, and without speaking, unwrapped it and examined it closely.

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