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"Grace!" Lee dashed across the great hall and had her in his arms in a moment, he was crying too. "Love, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I can't- can't even believe it. Are you okay? Physically. Is the baby...?"

"I'm fine. We're fine" Her voice was flat. "Your parents?"

"They're safe, mum's at home but dad's here and unscathed. Is... is anyone else...?"

"No one we know." Grace said softly. "I need to find Remus and- Sirius!"

She had spotted the black haired man coming in the hall and she sprinted to him.

He turned when he heard her voice and hugged her tightly, shielding her eyes from the bodies they were carrying past her.

She tried to twist around to see, but Sirius held her still.

"You don't need to see. It's- ADDY!"

The horror in his voice as he released Grace and dashed away told her not to look where he was running, if Addy was gone... Remus would be there for him.

Taking a deep breath, she went over to where Fred was. The only one still with him was George, her other family members distracting themselves with whatever they could all around the castle.

George was kneeling at his head still and Grace just sat by Fred's side, willing him to wake up as she took his hand and brought it to her face, trying to find some sign of life.

She jumped a little when George started stroking her hair but then turned and crawled into his arms as she started crying again.

He was shaking with silent sobs and Grace held onto him as tightly as she could, terrified that if she didn't, he would just disappear.

Finally, he slowly pulled away.

"Give me a minute... I'll meet you outside."

"Okay... George? I love you so much. Please... don't do anything."

He pushed her hair back and wiped away the tears on her face.

"Never again, I'll be there soon. I love you too."

She stood and glanced over to see Harry putting on his cloak and disappearing.

She ran after him, barely able to make out the outline of him in the dawn.

Once he got into the woods, he stopped and took off his cloak and for several minutes seemed to be talking to someone even though there wasn't anyone around.

When he started walking again, Grace followed him as closely as she dared, soon she could see the circle of death eaters and she was about to dash and grab Harry to aparate away, when someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth to suppress her scream.

"Keep quiet filly." Arton whispered, pulling her back.

"Arton?!" She screamed in a whisper once he let her go. "What are you doing?"

"Harry is fulfilling his destiny. Let him go."

"Are you insane? He needs help!"

"It will all turn out alright, but you must fulfill your own."

"And what would that be?"

"You must find out for yourself. But we are coming to help, be safe."

There was a flash of green light behind her and she spun around to see Harry laying on the ground.

Grace suppressed a scream and started to run to him, but was grabbed by Arton and thrown on his back as he started running back to the castle with her.

Bill was outside looking for the dead and wounded and a look of relief washed over his face when he saw Grace and her ran over to them, pulling her down.

"Gia! Where have you been? George is frantic."

"I followed Harry... he..."

She was interrupted by screaming from the front of the castle and she turned to see all the death eaters with Harry's body.

Grace and Bill both rushed up the hill, Grace saw Neville standing in front of everyone and sjefought her way to his side as Voldemort sent a lazy curse towards him and he collapsed.

"Neville!" Luna shouted, dropping by him.

Grace froze and looked at him in horror, then saw David standing by Voldemort, forever his right hand man.

In a moment, her wand was in her hand as rage took over.

He had taken everything.

Voldemort may have won, but David wasn't going to enjoy his triumph.

It was almost too easy and quick, one silent spell and he was gone on the ground, eyes staring lifeless up at the sky.

And almost as quickly, Grace was dragged up to Voldemort by an invisible force and held in the air, face to face with him.

"You looked better with a nose." She snapped before he could say anything.

"That was my most loyal man." He growled.

"That's nice, he was my worst enemy."

"You killed him without a second thought, no sportsmanship."

"You see, that's where villains like you fail. You never shut up and just kill them, you have to talk and talk and talk. Harry would've been dead 7 years ago if you weren't a blabber mouth." She snarled.

She heard Lee, Neville and her family screaming behind her, but it was muffled so there must've been a shield charm.

"Goodbye Grace Gansta."

"It's Jordan you prick."

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