1~ The Train ride

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Grace hid behind her older brothers as they were jostled around at kings cross station. She clung tightly to Fred and George kept a grip on her arm.

"It's going to be fine." George whispered to her. "I promise. If you're in Gryffindor, we'll show you the passage from our room to yours and you can use it whenever you need it. We'll both be there whenever you need us."

Grace nodded and let go of him long enough to sign;

"Can I help with the pranks sometimes?" She grabbed him again. He grinned and so did Fred who answered for him.

"Of course you can! It would be a crime to let your genius go to waste-"

"Don't tell Mum though." George stage whispered. Grace smiled and crossed her heart. She started to let go again to ask another question but George stopped her saying quickly;

"Don't, it's too easy to lose you here in all this muggle chaos. Use the secret signs." Grace nodded and obliged.

The secret signs were like the one Hellen Keller used with her friend and teacher Anne. Fred and George read it out loud to her sometimes, and they had made their own version if one of them needed to tell the other something they didn't want others to know about. All they had to do was hold hands and move their fingers the right way. What was needed to be said was said.

There was sudden shouting above the noise and Grace snatched her hands away to slam them over her ears. Someone ran into her from behind, knocking her to the ground. Grace curled up into a ball and didn't move until it cleared up. When it did she shakily got to her feet. Looking around for her family, they were nowhere in sight. They were tall, she should be able to easily see any of them. Grace felt the world start to spin.

"Are you lost?" Asked someone behind her. Grace spun around ready to run if she didn't like the look of the person. She didn't. But she needed help.

The Malfoy boy had an immediate look of disgust when he saw and recognized her. He sneered.

"If it isn't the little orphen the Weasley's took in." He looked like he had more to say but just then his mother showed up.

"Draco you must not wander off like that. It looks-" his mother gasped when she saw the tiny girl standing beside them. The crowd was dispersing. She looked shaken.

"I thought.. For a moment I saw.. You do look so much like your mother."


"He's here. Run Grace! Go to the safe house I showed you."

"But mommy, what about you and Timmy?"

"We'll be right behind you. Go!"

*End of flashback*

Grace licked her lips. She opened her mouth but the words still didn't come. She clamped her mouth shut.

"Oh," said Mrs. Malfoy. "I had heard of course.. That you stopped talking.." The girl's green eyes looked back up at her, and shrugged.


"Oi, Gracie!"

Grace spun around looking for the familiar redheads, and sprinted towards them as soon as she picked them in the quickly disappearing crowd. Narcissa Malfoy watched the brown head jump into her adoptive brother's arms. She was quite small for her age. But then, the Weasley boys weren't.

"Come Draco." She snapped. Startling herself. And marched off towards the destined platform.


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