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Remus Lupin looked around the small cabin where his cousin Katherine had lived. The kitchen looked the same but he knew the rest of the house didn't. On the table in the middle of the room was one of her journals. Remus walked over to it. Smiling sadly when he saw it was her werewolf research. Her father had been a werewolf and it had given her and her children heightened senses for smelling, hearing, and speed. Kat had been looking for a cure for him, and from the looks of it, she was close.

"Had been close." He reminded himself. "Kat had been close." 

The bodies of her and her son had been found two days ago. But not her little daughter, Grace. The death eaters had found them.

Even with Voldermort gone, some death eaters were still wreaking havoc, avoiding capture. Kat had insisted to Remus that they'd be safe. No one would harm them, not if her suspicions about her husband were correct.

She was right with her suspicions. But not on the thought that they would be safe. Remus shook his head and wondered what had happened for them to have to be killed. But he had a bigger worry. 

What if Grace had been taken by them? To be raised as a death eater?

Remus desperately hoped not. She was only 5 for Merlin's sake! For the hundredth time he wondered why Kat had married Dave. He didn't deserve her. And Grace shouldn't have to be raised by him.

A thought struck him. He subconsciously picked up the book, then he turned and walked outside into the woods. About 200 yards from the house was a hidden safe house that Kat had built, she only told a select few and they were the only ones who knew where it was and how to find it. Did Grace know about it?

In a few minutes he was at the tree. He took a breath, preparing himself for the worst and pulled down the second branch. A small door opened and it closed as soon as Remus crawled through. 

It wasn't a big room, it had a pantry, a small kitchen, table, and two sets of bunk beds that folded into the wall. There was also a bookshelf of Kat's most treasured books and heirlooms. Grace was nowhere in sight. Remus felt his heart sink. Then there was a bump and a scuffle, the pantry door flew open and a petite brown haired girl stumbled out of it. Her green eyes looked up at him from a sun tanned face, his knees went weak with relief and shock that Grace was here and she was alive.

"Remus." She choked out and ran to him. He held her tight, she hid her face in his neck, both of them crying silently. She didn't speak again.

. . .

Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and Ron Weasley were outside degnoming the garden, well, Bill and Charlie were, the twins were trying to help but they were mostly keeping Ron from getting bit. A loud crack sounded across the yard and they all looked up startled. 

"Mum!" Charlie shouted. "It's Remus! And he has Grace with him! She's okay!" 

"Gracie!" The twins exclaimed excitedly, running over to them. They hugged her tightly,

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Fred stated, George looked at her confused when she didn't greet them back, in fact, she barely smiled. But she let Bill pick her up and she laid her head on his shoulder looking exhausted. 

"Are you parents home?" Remus asked quietly. Bill nodded.

"They're inside." 

"Thank you." Remus walked towards the door where Molly was standing, looking very worried and concerned.

. . .

Remus stayed for dinner that night, Grace sat between him and Fred who was encouraging her to eat. 

"C'mon Grace, one more for me? Last one, I promise. Then dessert, Mum made your favorite.."  

Mr. Weasley cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. 

"Your mother, Remus and I were talking.. Grace doesn't have anywhere to go."

"Yes she does!" Ron piped up, "She can live with us."

The adults stared at him. That was what they had been driving at, but they hadn't expected Ron to jump at it. Percy spoke next. 

"She can sleep with Ginny in her room, right Gin?" 

"Grace and I can share!" Ginny said excitedly, "I need a sister." 

"What do the rest of you think?" Molly asked, "It'd be a big change, but your father and I are willing to make it work."

"I think she belongs here." Bill stated, and Charlie nodded in agreement. All eyes turned to the twins who had huge grins on their faces.

"Yes!" George shouted, making Grace jump and lean into Remus. Fred noticed and his answer was quieter.

"I'm with George! Grace what do you think?" Grace just nodded. Then curled up in Remus' lap.

Later that night Remus brought Grace up to bed. As he put her down her grip around his neck tightened. He sat down with her.

"Grace, sweetie listen, I can't stay with you. I wish I could, but I have a job to do. But look at me," He tilted her chin up so their eyes met, "You will be safe here, and I'll visit when I can. Here." He handed her two journals. "The brown one was your Mama's, but this blue one. Whatever you write in it will appear in mine, and I can write back. If you need me, tell me." Grace clutched the books to her and nodded. She touched her heart, and then his.

"I love you too little one."

Hi! Thank you for reading the first part of my story. Please vote/comment to let me know if you're enjoying it, or for advice/constructive criticism. I'm open to both!
The next chapter will be jumping ahead to the ride to Hogwarts. Enjoy!

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