12~ The Ministry

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"They have Sirius."

"How do you know?!" Grace demanded.

"I saw him! Like I did your dad!" Harry said quickly.

"We have to do something! Tell someone!" Ginny said.

"There's no one to tell! Umbridge has gotten rid of everyone in the Order!" Grace said frantically. "The only one left is Snape, and Snape hates Sirius!"

"Did I hear the name Sirius Black?" A high girlish voice said behind then. "I think I did. Get them!"

Before anyone could do anything, all the DA members present had been grabbed by Umbridge's personnel brute squad, then drug to Umbridge's office.

"Now, tell me where Sirius Black is." She said sweetly.

"We don't know where he is!" Grace snapped. "And we wouldn't tell you if we did!"

"But you have to, see, he's a dangerous criminal who is lying to you. He'll kill you when he gets the chance."

"He's innocent! He's as innocent as the day he was born, it was Peter! It was Peter and you all know it but you're too scared to admit that Voldemort is back. Or maybe it's not fear, maybe it's stupidity, the ministry seems to have a lot of that, everyone except my dad of course."

Umbridge slapped her across the face, her huge rings cutting Grace's cheek, Ron let out a muffled yell, he had been gagged and was being held by Goyle.

"I think it's time for... more desperate measures, I'm sure the minister would understand..."

As she was mumbling to herself, Grace glanced back at Neville, who was being held by Crabbe much too tightly, his face was turning purple.

"Crabbe!" Grace hissed. "You kill him and you won't be able to take a step without fearing for your life!"

Crabbe may have been stupid, but this was the girl who nearly drowned him every year. He wasn't taking a chance.

Malfoy shook Grace roughly and she looked forward again as soon as she saw Neville take a breath.

Snape came in suddenly. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. I need more Veritaserum."

"You used my last bottle on Potter, surely you did not use it all? I told you three drops was sufficient."

Umbridge blushed. "Can you make more?"

"In a month, it must sit under a moon cycle."

"A month?! I must have it now!" She looked so distressed, Grace almost felt sorry for her, but then again, it was Umbridge.

Just as Snape was about to leave, Grace sent a desperate look to Harry, who suddenly blurted out.

"They have Padfoot! They have Padfoot in the place it's hidden!"

"What? What's a Padfoot?" Umbridge said eagerly.

Snape stared at Harry, then Grace, then looked at Umbridge.

"I have no idea. Potter, if I want you to spout off nonsense, I'll give you a babbling potion, until then, shut up."

He left, and with him, the last strand of hope.

"You all leave me no choice..." Umbridge yanked Grace to the middle of the room, assuming that she was the one who knew. "It's time for the Cruciatus curse."

"Leave her alone!" Neville shouted.

"Oh, poor boy. Well, maybe watching will jog your memory."

Grace locked eyes with him.

"No matter what happens, don't you dare tell." She said firmly. "I mean it Nev, please-"

"Wait! No, I'll tell you." Hermione whispered.

Instant protests broke out, but Hermione ignored them, starting to cry.

"I'm sorry, I can't watch this. I know where he's hiding, and that's not the only thing. T...there's a weapon."

Grace could have cried in relief, Hermione knew what she was doing.

"A weapon?"

"Y..yes. we made it... for Dumbledore."

In seconds, Umbridge was marching Harry and Hermione out,

Grace nodded at Neville, and she dropped to the floor, kicking Malfoy in the groin and snatching her wand and his.

She tossed his wand to Luna, and soon they had the Slytherins all tied up.

"Now what?" Luna asked.

"We have to fight, obviously!" Ginny said, and Grace nodded.

"We're the only ones."

. . .

"Look out!" Grace shouted, before shoving the shelf, causing hundreds of thousands of prophecies to shatter on the floor. Hopefully they weren't too important.

Luckily, two death eaters were caught in the wake. Leaving only about fourteen.

Harry and Hermione had left Umbridge with the centaurs, just narrowly escaping themselves. Then they had gotten the Trestles to take them to the Ministry, where they found that they were expected.

Curses and shouts were flying through the air, but that was not Grace's main worry.

Her main was that her father was there, and he was trying his best to get to her without making it too obvious.

They had found the prophecy they needed, Harry's evidently, and they were passing it between each other until they ran into a huge circle shaped room, it had a strange mirror type thing in the middle, but Grace didn't have time to examine it.

There was a shatter of glass and Grace spun around to see the globe they had been protecting in a thousand pieces on the floor, the momentary distraction was enough for the adults to grab the teens, David grabbing Grace.

"Let me go!" Grace shouted, trying to kick him.

"I don't think so, you'll be coming home with me. We have a lot of catching up to do, don't you think?"

The door to the room suddenly flew open and all the members of the Order ran in, Timothy was with them, and he was the first to see Grace and David.

"Let her go!" He shouted, rushing down.

The shock of seeing his son alive after killing him in cold blood caused David to loosen his grip on Grace, giving her enough time to give him a well aimed kick and grab her wand.

"Timmy! I'm sorry!" She yelled, running to fight by him.

"I am too! Get to safety, we'll talk later!"

Grace started to obey, then saw Sirius fighting.

"He wasn't here?!"

"It was a trap!" Timothy said, ducking a curse. "Voldemort tricked Harry in his sleep!"

Grace simply nodded, and after sending another stunning spell, ran towards Harry and Sirius who were near the veil and fighting Bellatrix.

Harry shot a spell, and it hit someone, Sirius yelled proudly.

"Nice one James!"

The next several things happened very quickly.

Harry beamed, and Bellatrix shot a red spell at Sirius, which hit him square in the chest, Remus ran over and grabbed Harry as Sirius fell into the veil, he started screaming at Grace to stop, but Grace ignored him, and jumped in after Sirius.

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