Book 3!! 1~ Third Year Surprises

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When the Weasleys got home from their trip, they basically moved into the leaky cauldron with Harry, the Ministry was giving them paid leave and Grace suspected it had something to do with Sirius.

She hugged Harry as soon as she saw him, then moved so Molly could talk to him.

"Hello, Harry, dear. I suppose you've heard our exciting news!" She pointed at Percy's head boy badge. Second head boy in the family!" She said proudly.

Grace rolled her eyes.

"And the last." Fred muttered.

"I don't doubt it!" Molly said with a frown. "I've noticed they haven't made you two prefects."

"What do we want to be prefects for?" George said with a face. "It'd take the fun out of everything!"

Ginny and Grace laughed.

"You ought to be a better example for your sisters!" Molly snapped.

"The girls have other brothers to look up to Mother," Percy said loftily, "I'm going to change for dinner...."

He left and George sighed.

"We tried to trap him in a pyramid." He told Harry. "But Mum caught us."

. . .

A few days later, the four teens finally escaped from the rest of the family and were getting to talk without people hovering.

"I can't believe you got away with it!" Ron said with a laugh.

"But he shouldn't have done it." Hermione said disapprovingly. "He could've gotten expelled."

"I wish we could blow up our aunt." Grace said with a smirk at Ron. "She'd deserve it."

"She's the worst." Ron agreed.

"I'm glad you're okay, Harry." Grace said after a moment, as they pushed open the door to the pet shop in Diagon Alley, Hermione wanted a pet, and Ron wanted some rat tonic for Scabbers.

Grace had never really liked that rat. He had lived for far too long, and more than once, Grace had noticed a strange sound or unfamiliar smell in a room, ran in, and found the rat sitting there in a very un-rat like position. Once he hadn't even looked like a rat, but the twins had convinced her that she had been seeing things.

Ron and Harry went to the counter, while Hermione and Grace looked for pets Hermione might like.

There was a crash from up front, Grace and Hermione turned to see an orange cat in the shopkeepers arms, he had evidently tried to eat Scabbers, but failed.

"Stupid cat." Ron muttered, leaving the shop in a huff. Hermione and Grace exchanged a look and walked up to the counter.

"Sorry about the disturbance." The lady said tiredly. "Crookshanks, here, has been here for ages, and he gets restless. Can I help you girls with anything?".

Hermione and Grace looked at each other again and Hermione nodded.

"We'll take him."

After Hermione paid for him, the girls left the shop, Crookshanks seemed much calmer now that he was in someone's arms.

Grace felt like she knew that cat from somewhere, but she couldn't remember where. She must've just walked past the shop before and seen him.

"You bought that thing?!" Ron nearly shouted when they found him and Harry outside. "Are you mental?"

"Oh stop it, Ronald." Hermione said. "The lady said he'd been in there for ages, besides, you know Grace would've found a way to take him if I hadn't."

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