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Just as Voldemort was about to shout the killing curse, a powerful force separated them and Grace slammed into Neville who fell over, Grace on top of him. Everything around them was absolute chaos as people started fighting again.

"Neville! Sweet Merlin, are you okay?" Grace shouted as she scrambled off of him and helped him sit up.

He hugged her immediately and she could tell he was crying from how much he was shaking.

"You have to stop- stop trying to get yourself killed." He gasped. "I really don't appreciate it."

"I'm sorry! I didn't think he'd drag me forward when I killed David!"

"What did you think was going to happen?!"

"I don't know! But not that!"

There was a sudden deathly silence that swept across Hogwarts. Neville held onto her tighter in fear, then relaxed when he saw George and Lee running towards them.

Lee pulled her away from Neville and hugged her quickly before George yanked her into his arms as Lee was saying.

"We won, Harry's alright. It's over, it's all over. We did it. Voldemort is dead, and we have his body to prove it."

Grace clung to George. She didn't feel like there had been a victory, not with the losses. All she wanted was Fred to come out and tease her, for them to go home and fall asleep watching movies, there would never be another midnight ice cream run with him, or taking Sarah on Daddy-daughter dates.

The thoughts piled up and left the world spinning too fast for her to ever catch up, she could hardly hear the voices around her.

George picked her up and she could hear Lee talking frantically.

Aparating, then more voices, white walls and needles before it all faded away.

. . .

Grace forced her eyes open in panic, she tried to sit up and looked around in terror.

It was a very plain room with just a couch, chair and bed.

Lee was in the chair and he jumped up, going over to her, taking her hand.

"Hey, how do you feel?"

"Not- not good."

Lee looked exhausted and more stressed than she had ever seen him in her life and panic set in.

"Is the baby okay?!"

"Love! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He got into the bed with her and pulled her close. "Our baby is perfectly fine. And it had a few surprises evidently."




"Yeah." He laughed a bit. "We have our work cut out for us."

Grace put her head down, unable to catch her breath.

"I want Fred."

Lee leaned down to kiss her head.

"Me too."

"He... he'll never meet them or anything and I hate that. I... I just want him."

"I know love. I know. I'm so sorry."

. . .

They had decided to not tell anybody, but a few days after Grace left the hospital, Neville came over to her and Lee's house, armed with plants, ice cream, and muggle movies.

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