Q&A answers

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Do I think there might be a possible love story for Timothy?

I'm definitely thinking about it! Any ideas of who he could end up with?

How did I come up with this fanfiction?

I read the Harry Potter books at 12 and that's when it started forming. It was originally a Fred love story, but changed it drastically!

So, for our bonus story, I'm going to put a teaser of my next book! It will be a Marauders fanfiction mainly about Adhara (Addy) Black but I'll also have two other girls who we'll switch POVS with. I hope you guys enjoy it!

T.W. abuse

"Leave him alone!" Adhara Black said angrily, stomping her foot.

Sirius had stolen some food from the kitchen because they hadn't been fed in the last couple days, and mother was absolutely furious.

The six year old immediately regretted her actions as the curse turned on her and she screamed in pain as her brothers begged their mother to stop.

When Walburga was satisfied she left the children in their bedroom. Regules had a gash on his forehead but he crawled over to his twin and shook her gently.


The girl groaned and slowly sat up, gasping in pain and shock when she saw his wound.

"Oh Reg..."

Slowly, she pulled out the first aid kit from where she had hidden it and started treating his head, and wrapping it in a more experienced way than any six year old should know how to do.

She then stood and stumbled over to Sirius, his eyes were closed and his face was pale.


She put a hand on his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open.

"I... I think my arm is broken." He whispered.

"Mother will fix it. When she's not upset anymore." Addy said hopefully.


At Addy's concerned look, Sirius forced a smile and used his good arm to pull his baby sister close, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sure you're right."


It wasn't long before Walburga came back, tears running down her face.

"Oh my sweet child! What have I done to you?"

She knelt by Sirius and after a few spells, his arm was as good as new and she pulled all three children close to her.

"You know mommy just stressed, she didn't mean to hurt you, did she?"

"No mother." Regulus whispered.

She kissed all of their foreheads.

"I love you my sweet babies."

Regulus and Addy exchanged a terrified look.

How much worse could it get?

Wow! I'm alive. Thank you all for your patience!!! Things have been busy but I'm back!

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