3~ Werewolf Problems

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Grace immediately pushed everything off the couch as Lee rushed to help Tonks and get Remus laying down. 

"What happened?" Lee demanded as Grace started casting healing spells. 

"I... I don't know." Tonks whispered, accidentally knocking over the coffee table. "Sorry! He just showed up at my house like this!"

"These... are werewolf scratches." Grace muttered. "And bites. Tonks, did he go back?"

"Dumbledore gave him the mission, I tried to talk him out of it but-"

"Okay, Tonks, I know." Grace snapped. "Just let me concentrate."

"I really did try." 

Grace didn't answer, the cuts looked infected and she had no idea how werewolf bites affected other werewolves. 

"Grace..." Remus said weakly, barely conscious. "Book..."

 "Remus this is not the time to read!" Grace exclaimed, completely exasperated.

He managed to grab her hand and she clutched his tightly. 

"It- it's late... to the library."

"Remus! I'm going to murder you. I'll pay the freaking fines, okay?" She was trying not to cry while dabbing his cuts with a cloth.

He hissed in pain at the rubbing alcohol Grace had put on it to clean them, and clutched her hand tighter. 

She looked up at Lee.

"I... I need Mum. I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't know-"

"Grace, you can do this." Lee said softly, kneeling next to her and squeezing her shoulder. "Just get them as clean as you can and get them to stop bleeding. Okay? Getting your Mum might take too long."

Grace took a deep breath, nodded, and continued her task, casting several spells to slow the bleeding which basically put him in a coma like state.

After about an hour, he was mostly healed and Grace collapsed in exhaustion from using her magic, luckily Lee was right there to catch her and brought her to bed admist her protests. 

"You're resting if I have to knock you out." Lee said firmly.

"But what if he-" 

"I've called Sirius, he'll be here any minute. Remus will be fine. We'll take him to Mungos and then I'll be here when you wake up, yeah?"

"Fine. But what about Sarah?" 

"I'll drop her at Molly's. Okay? Stop stressing." He kissed her forehead. "I love you, get some sleep."

"Love you too." Grace murmured, already drifting off.

. . .

"Grace!" Fred's shout echoed through the small flat.

Grace sat up in a panic, the world swimming in front of her. 

Fred ran in through the open door and got on her bed, pulling her close.

"Where's Sarah?" He asked anxiously, still holding her tightly.

"W-with mum." Grace sputtered, hearing Angelina leave again. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Fred asked in disbelief. "What's wrong, Gigi, there's blood all over the couch, and in random places in the living room. What the hell happened?"

The events of the day before hit her like a truck and she quickly explained while frantically pulling on her shoes.

"Where's Lee? Have you seen him?"

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