6~ Death Day Party

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In the month and a half at Hogwarts, Grace had already adopted two animals in addition to Kayda, she had started calling the fairy Pixie, and the salamander Lola. All three got along amazingly after the first day, and often slept together.

The night of the death day party marked twenty-four days that Grace had slept alone, and she was falling asleep on her feet. Luckily, the twins had corresponded with Remus and he was coming to Hogwarts that weekend after the full moon.

When Grace, Ron, Harry and Hermione got to the party, people were already dancing and talking. Myrtle was in a corner by herself but before Grace could go over there, Hermione jerked her away.

"I really don't want to talk to her right now. She haunts the girls toilet on the first floor." Hermione explained to the boys. "It's awful distracting for her to be screaming and crying while you're using the loo."

"Well.... She was murdered." Grace said.

"Look! Food!" Ron exclaimed and they started to walk towards the table, but froze when the smell reached them. Everything was moldy and disgusting.

"I suppose it's so they can taste it a little bit more." Hermione guessed.

"Can we move?" Ron asked, "I'm feeling sick."

Just then Peeves flew in front of them, he was wearing bright colors and carrying a tray.

"Want a peanut?" He asked sweetly.

"No thank you, Peeves." Grace said with a face. "When you're done here, Fred and George were looking for you."

"Alrighty!" He turned to Hermione. "I heard you talking about Myrtle... Nasty things you said about Myrtle...."

"N-No! I wasn't! You misheard..."

"Peeves, please don't-" Grace started, but he had already flown off towards Myrtle and encouraged her over to them.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you?" She sniffed.

"No!" Hermione said, grasping for straws. "I was just telling the boys how nice you look... wasn't I?"

"Oh yeah...."


"No you weren't!" Myrtle said angrily. "You were making fun of me. Fat Myrtle, ugly Myrtle...."

"Don't forget pimplily." Peeves hissed, and that did it, Myrtle left wailing to go flood the toilets again.

"Peeves! That wasn't very nice!" Grace exclaimed as Harry was pulled away by Sir Nicholas to see the headless horsemen. "Hermione was just explaining to the boys who she was, and you know it!"

Peeves just grinned mischievously.

"You know I like bits of fun... you help with the bits of fun sometimes..."

Grace sighed. "Yes Peeves, but making fun of people isn't a harmless prank. And now Filch will be grumpy because he has to clean up the corridor again."

"Oh alright... I am sorry.... I'll try not to do it anymore."

"Thank you." Grace said, and Ron came up next to her.

"We're leaving, you done here?"

"Yes. Bye, I'll see you later." Peeves waved at her cheerily.

"How are you friends with him??" Ron asked when they were outside. "He's impossible!"

"He's lonely." Grace corrected. "Just like Myrtle. Did Nick get recruited on the head hunt?"

"No." Harry said. "He was so disappointed.." his voice trailed off.

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