5~ Late Night Talks

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In Grace's opinion, her first day at Hogwarts had been amazing. She hadn't done much magic yet, but her teachers seemed pleased. The one she was dreading was Snape, He sounded like an absolute bully.

But potions wern't until Friday and it was only once a week, she could do that. 

Grace sprawled out on George's bed with her letter journal to Remus. It lit up suddenly and vibrated and she sat up excitedly to read what he had written.


First of all, Things are fine here, I'm safe. I miss you so much.

Second, it is not your fault Sirius got caught. We never should have left you in that house. I thought we were making progress, are you alright? Did something happen? I will ask your brothers if I feel like you're not giving me everything.

Continuing, I'm glad you made It to the train station safely, trust me, Hogwarts will be a great adventure! Did you find the compartment I told you about? I wish I could've been there.

Harry's bound to be different. Keep an eye on him for me, would you? If he's anything like James, he'll need it!

I think Sirius would've absolutely approved of that prank. Not saying I do, but I also won't deny that I was the mastermind behind some of our greatest.. Not that I'm admitting to anything ;-)

Honestly? I suspect anyone could fit in each of the houses. What you're sorted into, I believe, is what you value most. Kat would be proud of you no matter what house you were in. I am thrilled you were in my old house though! How was your first day?

I'll be as safe as I can. Don't do anything too drastic. I love you, little one.


Grace flopped back with relief. Sure, she was going to have to come up with a reasonable explanation, but she could just give him most of the truth. At least he was okay. Might as well write him back, she thought, I'm not doing anything else. 


I'm fine. I had an asthma attack this morning and nightmares all night but that's normal.

I completely forgot in my last letter but Ron and I actually found Harry in that compartment! Ironic, right? I'll watch him.

My first day was amazing! I had charms, history, and care of magical creatures. The sessions felt like they dragged until COMC. Two whole hours of each! But transfigeration is supposed to be three… And double potions on Friday! I'm glad we have Wednesdays as half days.

I must say I'm excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts, it sounds so interesting. 

Well Mister oh so mysterious, what are some pranks you totally weren't the brain behind?

Night Remus, love you, hugs.


"Grace? All good?" Lee's voice from the doorway made Grace jump and quickly run the back of her hand across her eyes and turned to look at him.

"Yup, sorry, I'm fine, Just writing to my cousin." He stared at her for a long second deciding whether or not to point out the tears and she dropped her gaze hoping he hadn't noticed them. Lee decided to drop it, and Grace started fidgeting with the book.

"Okay. Where are George and Fred?"

"Getting some sweets from the house elves." 

"Chocolate frogs too?"

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