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David immediately hit her with the cruciatus curse, getting angrier and angrier when she gave him no reaction, just laid there on the floor.

The pain was nearly unbearable, but her resolve to give him no satisfaction was stronger.

"Just. React. And I'll stop. You want me to stop, don't you?"

"Stop what?" Grace whispered.

Evidently he didn't like that answer.

The pain grew until it felt like millions of needles were stabbing her and was completely unaware of everything around her. She must've made a noise because the pain stopped and she slowly started to realize what was happening around her.

Hermione had stopped screaming, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing and it made her nervous. She could also tell that Ron and Harry were nearby and she wondered how in the world they had escaped, and how Greyback was missing their smell.

"I'm going to call him." She heard Bellatrix decide, and David murmured his agreement.

"And I think," Bellatrix continued. "We can dispose of the Mudblood. Greyback, take her if you want her."

"No!" Ron shouted, bursting into the room.

Accio wand! Grace's mind screamed in panic. She didn;t expect it to work.

And yet it did.

Ignoring the pain and the probable cuts, she struggled to her feet and took in the situation as quickly as she could before joining.

"Expelliarmus!" Ron roared at Bellatrix

Her wand flew into the air to be caught by Harry, who was right behind Ron.

Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and Greyback wheeled about; Harry yelled, "Stupefy!" and Lucius Malfoy collapsed onto the hearth. Jets of light flew from Draco's, Narcissa's, and Greyback's wands; Harry threw himself to the floor, rolling behind a sofa to avoid them, Grace hit Narcissa and David with a stunning curse before ducking after him.


Grace gasped and peered around the edge of the sofa. Bellatrix was supporting Hermione, who seemed to be unconscious, and was holding her short silver knife to Hermione's throat.

"Drop your wands," she whispered. "Drop them, or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!"

Grace clutched her wand tighter on instinct, trying to figure out a way to turn this back to their favor.

"I said, drop them!" she screeched, pressing the blade into Hermione's throat, Grace watched beads of blood appear there.

"All right!" Harry shouted, and he dropped Bellatrix's wand onto the floor at his feet. Grace and Ron followed and all three raised their hands to shoulder height.

"Good!" She smiled. "Draco, pick them up! The Dark Lord is coming, Harry Potter! Your death approaches!"

It was painfully obvious that Harry knew it, it looked like his scar was bursting with pain.

"Now," said Bellatrix softly, as Draco hurried back to her with the wands. "Cissy, I think we ought to tie these little heroes up again, while Greyback takes care of Miss Mudblood. I am sure the Dark Lord will not begrudge you the girl, Greyback, after what you have done tonight."

At the last word there was a peculiar grinding noise from above. All of them looked upward in time to see the crystal chandelier tremble; then, with a creak and jingling, it began to fall. Bellatrix was directly beneath it; dropping Hermione, she threw herself aside with a scream. The chandelier crashed to the floor in an explosion of crystal and chains, falling on top of Hermione and the goblin, who still clutched the sword of Gryffindor. Glittering shards of crystal flew in all directions; Draco doubled over, his hands covering his bloody face.

As Ron ran to pull Hermione out of the wreckage, Harry took the chance, pushing Grace behind him, he leapt over the armchair and wrested the three wands from Draco's grip, pointed all of them at Greyback, and yelled, "Stupefy!" The werewolf was lifted off his feet by the triple spell, flew up to the ceiling and then smashed to the ground.

As Narcissa dragged Draco out of the way of further harm, Bellatrix sprang to her feet, her hair flying as she brandished the silver knife; but Narcissa had directed her wand at the doorway.

"Dobby!" she screamed and even Bellatrix froze. "You! You dropped the chandelier?!"

Grace watched in shock as the tiny elf trotted into the room, his shaking finger pointing at his old mistress.

"You must not hurt Harry Potter," he squeaked.

"Kill him, Cissy!" shrieked Bellatrix, but there was another loud crack, and Narcissa's wand too flew into the air and landed on the other side of the room.

"You dirty little monkey!" bawled Bellatrix. "How dare you take a witch's wand, how dare you defy your masters?"

"Dobby has no master!" squealed the elf. "Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

"Ron, GO!" Harry yelled, throwing one of the wands to him.

He bent down to tug Griphook out from under the chandelier, and dragged him over to grab Grace.

"Dobby, now!"

Grace saw the knife thrown as Dobby started to transport them, and she somehow managed to put herself in front of the elf.

The pain from the knife didn't kick in until she landed in the grass in the middle of who knew where, but she forced herself to stand anyway, trying not to panic.

But the world stopped when she saw Lee running towards her.

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