6~ Ferret Boy

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Grace pulled her head out of the bag and looked at him worriedly.

"Nev! That's not true, not at all. Who told you that?"

He didn't answer and Grace walked over to him, and touched his shoulder gently. When he didn't respond she made him scoot over and laid next to him.


Neville didn't say anything, and Grace simply hugged him, he slowly sat up then hugged her back. Grace could tell he was crying, but she decided it would be best not to say anything, and let him have this moment.

"Nev..." She whispered when he had calmed down. "You're not... are you thinking about killing yourself?"

"I'm fine Grace, don't worry." He pulled away and half smiled.

Grace took his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"I need you. I know that's not really much and I'm just one person but-"

"Don't sell yourself short. I'll be fine, okay?"

Grace sighed.

"Okay, but is someone telling you that?"

Neville nodded, but didn't specify.


"It's not important. Just... let's work on our homework, okay?"

"Fine, but when I catch them, I'm going to hurt them."

"We'll see."

"You're my best friend."

"I know, and you know that you're mine."

Grace grinned and pulled out her school supplies.

"I do now."

. . .

Monday morning dawned cloudy but no rain. Which was lucky, considering they had only outside classes that afternoon. Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures.

Grace watched anxiously for Pigwidgeon to fly down with a letter from Sirius, but one didn't come. His jacket was packed in her trunk, she didn't want to risk sending it with an owl.

She sighed and played with her food a little, Hermione had caved in and was eating again.

Fred and George had also been up late discussing ways to enter. None sounded effective.

Grace stayed close to Neville on the way to Herbology, he was feeling better than the first night, but she was ready to squash the next person who even hinted at being rude or unkind.

"Today, we'll be taking care of Bubotubers." Professor Sprout said briskly, indicating the slug like plants. "Squeeze the pus into these jars."

"Sorry, what?!" Seamus, one of Ron's dormates, exclaimed.

"The pus, Seamus, the pus! Just pluck them up and squeeze. But put your dragon skin gloves on, you'll need them."

It wasn't really a terrible task, it definitely helped Grace de-stress and relax a little.

"You want to talk about anything?" Grace asked Neville quietly, filling up another jar.

"No, I'm okay here, it feels... safe."


Neville grinned and grabbed one of her harvested slug plants, having already done his.

Grace smiled and nudged him playfully.

"Wanna race? We'll split these up and go."

"Bring it!"

Grace quickly grabbed five, and handed five to him.

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