Dare #113

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@sheraPrime1 I dare Megatron to say he loves Optimus!!!! Btw this is my opt!

Supercruncher: *He's been clinging to Ratchet all day Supercruncher got into a cuddling mood but Ratchet wouldn't stop working so he decided to clinging to him while he worked and would try to bite anybot that got to close for comfort checking wattpad seeing a dare reading it he hums before letting go of Ratchet and teleporting into the throne room on the warship making Megatron jump slightly*

Supercruncher: Yo Megatron you have a dare from sheraPrime1 they have dared you to say you love Optimus!

Megatron: Alright then I love Optimus!

Supercruncher: Yes very good smartaft now go say it to Optimus!

Megatron: No I don't want to do that!

Supercruncher: *growls and pulls out his two katana's* WELL YOUR GOING TO DO IT OR PERISH!!!!!!!! 

Megatron: *growls lowly* Fine!

Supercruncher: *smiles* Good mech~

Megatron: *grumbles as he makes his way to his berthroom*

In Megatron's Berthroom!

Megatron: *walks into his berthroom and looks at Optimus who is laying down reading a data-pad* I love you Optimus!

Optimus: *slowly turns his helm to face Megatron with wide optics*

Megatron: *stares at Optimus*

Optimus: *stares at Megatron with wide optics*

Megatron: *looks away from Optimus blushing blue*

Optimus: *smiles and goes back to reading his data-pad* I love you as well Megatron!

Megatron: *sighs softly before climbing onto the berth and gets behind Optimus so his leaning on the headboard of the berth with Optimus leaning against his chassis*

Supercruncher: Well there you have it guys Megatron completed his dare Optimus once again has his helm stuck in a data-pad so~ keep them coming guys~

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