Dare #32

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@UnidragonGacha I dare Wheeljack to ask Ultra magnus to be his sparkmate and Ultra magnus to ask Wheeljack to be his sparkmate but will not know that they are going to asking each other to be sparkmates heheheha ha ha Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HA sorry *ahem * I thought of something funny

Supercruncher: *fell into recharge while leaning on a wall his helm drooped forward all was peaceful until Supercruncher leaned forward a little in his recharge then fell forward onto the ground effectively waking him with a short yell as the sound of him falling rang though out the base sitting up with a groan he checks wattpad to see a dare reading it then looking around the room to see Ultra magnus writing a report and walks over to him*

Supercruncher: Ultra magnus sir you have a dare from UnidragonGacha they have dared you to ask Wheeljack to be your sparkmate!

Ultra magnus: *blushes slightly* Why would i ask the loss cannon to be my sparkmate!

Supercruncher: Because admit it you love him!

Ultra magnus: *sighs* Alright fine i do love Wheeljack! and i'll do the dare to ask him to be my sparkmate!

Supercruncher: Really great! now i'll be back i got to talk to somebot! *walks off*

*after looking around for a bit Supercruncher found Wheeljack throwing one of his grenades up and down in the air*

Supercruncher: Yo Wheeljack you have a dare from UnidragonGacha they have dared you to ask Ultra magnus to be your sparkmate!

Wheeljack: *drops his grenade on the ground which made it explode*

Supercruncher: *coughs* I'd like to say you exploding and blowing things up is new but it's not!

Wheeljack: Not my fault two of those times happened at 3am not to mention the most recent one blew up my whole berthroom!

Supercruncher: You have really bad luck!

Wheeljack: I suppose now you said i have a dare to ask Ultra magnus to be my sparkmate right?

Supercruncher: Yep! 

Wheeljack: Alright i'll get to that after i finish cleaning up the mess my grenade made! *sighs and starts cleaning*

Time ship

*Wheeljack and Ultra magnus are talking about some stuff some important others not so much neither has done the dare yet and it's already been 6 hours which was making Supercruncher extremely annoyed until he finally snapped*


Wheeljack&Ultra magnus: FINE!

*Wheeljack and Ultra magnus look at each other then in sync say*

Wheeljack&Ultra magnus: I LOVE YOU PLEASE BE MY SPARKMATE!!! *stare at each other shocked that they just said the same thing then just shrug and seal the deal with a deep kiss which pretty much turns into a make out straight away*

Supercruncher: Primus their already going strong and their not even spark-bonded yet!.....which actually reminds me *looks over at Ratchet*


Ratchet: *looks over at Supercruncher smirking* WHEN EVER YOU THINK YOUR READY TO HANDLE MY SPIKE IN BERTH!!!

Supercruncher: *blushes madly at what Ratchet just said and whispers to himself* What does he mean by that i know i'm untouched but how big could his spike possibly be!


Supercruncher: Dam his super hearing! anyway Wheeljack and Ultra magnus completed their dare and are still making out no surprise there really my processor wont work properly at the moment so~ keep them coming guys~ *whispers* now what did Ratchet mean by it's not the size i'll have to worry about?

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