Pokemon School #7 ~ Start Of An Educational Era!

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Day one of the #pokeschoolmarathon!!

I hope you all like this chapter because I sure did have fun writing this because it has mixed emotions and so many surprises but enjoy the first chapter of the marathon and thank you for everything especially for making this story reach 1000 views which is just a incredible achievement in my opinion but anyway enjoy the story! 😆

Ash, Pikachu and Noctowl have just made it home coming from Serena's house and he decided to keep the battle between him and Meyer a secret for now
but once Ash opened his front door a unexpected visitor was waiting for Ash.

Ash: Mum I'm home!!

Delia: Welcome home dear!

Ash: Where are you?

Delia: In the dining room!

Ash: I'll be right there! Come on Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash slowly made his way to the dining room but saw his mum talking to someone, Ash couldn't see who it was because the person was sitting where you couldn't see directly from the doorway.

So Ash walked in further only to be shocked by who was sitting there in his very house.

Ash: Hey mum! Hey Gary....... Wait what! Gary! What are you doing here?!

Pikachu: Pikaaaaa!!?

Delia: Ash there's something I have to tell you.

Ash: Why have I got a bad feeling about this.......

Delia: So we have a spare bedroom and I had no use for it, so I spoke to professor Oak and I asked him if Gary wanted to stay round for awhile but.....

Ash: But what? I don't mind him staying for awhile but if he eats my food!

Gary: Basically Ash... your mum is trying to say that I'll be attending the same school as you so I'll be staying in the spare room for the 3 years of school.

Ash had mixed emotions about this, he really hated the idea at first because how cocky and annoying Gary can be and he also knows about Ash wanting to find Serena.

But then Ash felt kinda happy about it because then he would have someone at the same school as him that he has known since they were very little.

Ash: Okay to be honest I didn't like the sound of this at the start...

Gary: Hey! What's so bad about this anyway!

Ash: But I guess I could put up with it.... But! If you eat any of my favorite foods than its over!

Gary knew that when Ash came to terms and rules about food that he should most certainly follow them because he knows how much Ash likes to eat.

Delia: Well at least that's settled, how about we have dinner then you two have a early night so you're ready for school.

Ash and Gary: Yeah sure!

Delia: Then tomorrow Ash... You can let your Pokemon out in the field and so can you Gary after you've unpacked. Okay?

Pikachu: Pika Pii!!

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