Pokemon School #28 ~ The Rookie And The Queen!

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It was Wednesday lunch time and Serena was sitting with Shauna, Trevor, Tierno, Miette and Clemont.

Shauna: Have you guys heard who we have for fifth and sixth lesson!

Serena: By the tone of your voice I can tell you're excited...

Shauna: Why wouldn't I be! Aria the Kalos Queen and her mentor Palermo will be teaching us today!

Serena: Wait what!

Miette: She must be telling us how to do well in showcases?

Tierno: Well she does do showcases so what else would she teach you Miette..

Miette: Just because you're still mad about Ash and Gary!

Clemont: Hey... Talking about Ash and Gary, where are they?

Ash, Gary and Shota were currently outside letting their Pokemon run around the field.

Gary: So Ash? When did you catch Fletchling?

Ash: Well... What if I told you Paul helped me?...

Gary: Who's Paul?

Ash sighed, he knew Gary would be shocked to hear that Ash was with the guy who bully's him.

Ash: Paul is the bully.. You know, the one me, You and Serena battled one time.

Gary: Wait what! You was with the guy who bullied Clemont! The one who punched you in the face Ash!

Ash: It's not what it seems like Gary... You see at first Paul walked past me and barged me, so I confronted him and asked why he did it, we started to argue then a explosion went off.

Shota: An explosion?

Gary: Why was there an explosion?

Ash: Two words, Pokemon hunter.

Those two words sent shivers down Gary's and Shota's spine.

Ash: The Pokemon hunter was called Rex, I heard his name when he was talking to someone over his radio.

Shota: So let me guess he was hunting Fletchling?

Ash: Correct! Rex was using Skarmory and Crobat to hunt Fletchling down but thanks to Paul's Elekid and my Quilava, Hercross and of course Pikachu we saved Fletchling.

Gary: So what happened between you and Paul after the situation was sorted with?

Ash: Well I could see that Paul changed for while but went back to the normal jerk he still is now, but! I believe he can change!

Gary: Seriously?

Ash: Of course! I'd be happy to  give everyone a second chance! So why not give Paul one? Yeah it might take some time but I can see some good in Paul because he helped me yesterday.

Gary: Well don't go thinking he will be your bestfriend because I don't trust him.

Ash: Don't worry Gary! I'll be fine!

Gary: You better be! Otherwise I'd have to teach you a lesson Ashy boy!

Ash wasn't really bothered by the nicknames anymore so instead he just smiled at Gary.

Ash: Shota! Are you alright?

Shota was still thinking about what happened when Calem revealed the truth about Ash and Gary and also when he burned his notebook.

Gary: Shota!

Shota: Huh! Oh... Yeah I'm fine!

Ash: Are you sure?

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