Pokemon School #157 ~ March To War ~ Part Two!

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February 4th 2017 ~

Alain: Flamethrower, Charizard!

Glazing across Gary and Shota's faces a stream of scorching fire sliced across their path separating them from the swarm of Team Skull members. The forest floor set alight keeping the two sides at bay thanks to the gigantic barricade of inferno flames.

Shota: Alain! What are you doing here?!

Charizard immediately slashed his two giant feet into the ground allowing Alain to leap off and join Gary and Shota beside the fiery wall.

Alain: I should be asking you this! You're currently standing outside an old base.

Gary: Old base?! Team Skull are currently operating in this building.

Alain: This old and inactive building was home to one of Steven Stone's outposts! It was abandoned due to an attack thanks to Team Flare's attacks.

Gary: Oh.... I forgot that even happened since me and Ash arrived after it happened.

Shota: The Kalos League and Master Class has been delayed because of it right?

Alain: Right. The attacks happened a few months before Gary and Ash arrived in the Kalos region for the first time. It was terrifying.

Gary: I'm surprised no one talks about it at school.

Alain: Look.... I'll tell you more about it, but now isn't the best place or time since we're running out of time.

Shota: Alain is right. We're only separated from the waves of Team Skull thanks to a wall made out of Charizard's fire. It won't be long before they used their Pokemon to distinguish the flames.

Gary: I'm not running from a fight!

Alain: You're insane! Flying over here I think I spotted at least twenty members of Team Skull marching on the opposite side.... Gary, look. If we don't go now this could be the last of you and your Pokemon.

Gary: So be it. Ever since I was little and first met a Pokemon my desires were simple. Even my grandpa, Professor Oak clearly knew what my ambitions were at such a young age... I wanted to protect and fight for Pokemon...

Alain: Gary! You're going to stay and fight a lost battle!

Shota: Gary, you won't win. We're outnumbered.... Besides, we're only school students.

As the word 'students' drifted into Gary's ears it made him think back to when he first attended Sycamore High.... An ordinary school where you learn about interesting subjects among other students varying from different backgrounds. However, students never spoke about what happened with Team Flare a few months before the Kantonians arrived. Therefore, Ash and Gary continued to think the exact same thing, but everything changed when the Pokemon Hunters changed their lives from being a normal student to powerful Pokemon Trainers.

Still attending school of course, Ash, Gary and may others are still weary about their surroundings and continued to attend Sycamore High in Kalos and the 'Pokemon School' in Alola knowing they now live a dangerous life at such a young age.

Shota: Look, Gary. Why don't we get out of here before it's too late.

Gary: Fine.... As much as I hate running from a battle it's the only option we have.

Alain: Finally, you're out of your stubborn shell.

Gary: Watch it.

Alain: Button it and return your Pokemon back to their Pokeballs. Shota, use Salamence to carry you and Gary.

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora