Pokemon School #17 ~ Serena's Experience, Pikachu The Saviour!

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Just so no one gets confused with this chapter, this chapter explains what happened at Calem's house in chapter 13 when Ash and Sycamore went back to Ash's house so Sycamore could research Ash's Pokemon and Pikachu went with Serena and her friends to Calem's house, Anyway I hope you enjoy!


Ash started to feel angry when he heard Serena and her friends were going to Calem's instead of showing his anger he shook his head trying to get Calem out of his thoughts.

Sycamore: Hey Ash? You alright?

Ash: Huh? Yeah never better...

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu knew Ash was upset about Calem so before Serena could walk off Pikachu jumped out of Ash's arms and ran over to Serena.

Pikachu: Pika pi!

Serena: Pikachu?

Calem: What does he want?

Pikachu: Pika! Pika pi!

Serena was now slowly learning how to understand Pikachu.

Ash: Pikachu! What are you doing?

Serena picked him up and wrapped her arms around Pikachu.

Serena: I think he wants to spend the rest of the day with me..

Serena giggled, she liked the idea of having Pikachu for the rest of the day, but this was part of Pikachu's plan to make sure Calem tried nothing so he nodded at Ash letting his trainer know that he will be fine.

Ash: Oh sure.. Just take good care of him.

Serena: I will I promise.

Ash: Alright Serena thanks.

Ash bent down to where Serena was holding Pikachu.

Ash: Thanks buddy, take care.

Pikachu: Pika!

So Ash and Sycamore walked back to Ash's so Sycamore could do some research,while Pikachu was going to stay the night with Serena.

Miette: Hey guys... I won't be coming With you... I've got to head home and help my mum with chores... My dad gets a bit cranky went things aren't done around the house...

Calem: Oh... That's fine, I guess we'll see you Monday?

Miette: Yeah sure! Bye guys!

Serena: Bye Miette!

So Miette headed off home while it was Serena, Pikachu, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor and Calem.

Shauna: Hey Serenaaaa...You're so lucky that you get to look after him!

Calem: What's so lucky about looking after that Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Shauna: Just look at the cute thing! He's adorable...

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