Pokemon School #167 ~ Revealing True Colours!

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February 21st 2017 ~

Mallow stood frozen to the spot acting like the ground was made out of thick, sticky glue as Ash's motivated, blazing red eyes shined in her direction while standing in front of the Kantonian the raging whirlpool of deadly fasten water vaporised around Greninja revealing the frog like Pokemon in his new form.

Mallow: J-Just like the time we fought together in the Sinnoh tournament.... Ash and Greninja have connected once again.

Commentator: My, my. The temperature for this battle has broken the charts! Surely we will see a close, intense battle after a surprising transformation from Greninja!


Lillie: Greninja and Ash have reached the true form of Bond Phenomenon again!

Hau: So amazing!

Leafa: Even in the most surprising, tense moments you're still a massive fan of your cousin.... Oh well. I can definitely see that the sparking energy runs throughout the family.

Kiawe: And right now that sparking energy has been strengthened.

Everyone sitting around Kiawe watched as the Z-Move user struck his arm out and stretched his index finger out towards Ash and Greninja pointing out their in sync movements proving they have become one yet again.


Ash: Greninja! Use Cut!

Ash aggressively pointed at Lurantis supplying Greninja with direct orders to commit to his next attack. However, the blade that Greninja would use for his Cut attack demonstrated no hesitation in forming within Greninja's webbed hands, but the terrifying daggers were much sharper and thicker than usual, but that wouldn't stop Greninja as the frog like Pokemon vanished into thick air surprising everybody even Ash himself.

Mallow began to panic as she tried to scan the entire battlefield as quickly as she could, then all of a sudden Greninja flashed before Lurantis slashing the thick, sharp blades across Lurantis's pink chest creating a mini explosion after contact was made, but being unable to see due to the sudden explosion Mallow felt a powerful gush of wind smack across her body almost dragging her along with the wind current.

Once the smoke faded Mallow gasped in shock to discover Lurantis was no longer standing before her, but instead laying within a large crater behind her experiencing devastating pain.

Mallow: Lurantis!... Are you okay?!

The insectoid Pokemon slowly used her scythes to push herself back up. However, her stripey pink legs could barely support the rest of her body as Lurantis waddled back to the battlefield, then released a faint, muffled cry indicating to Mallow that she was okay to continue which planted a smile of relief upon Mallow's face.

Mallow: Right! We're going to win this, Lurantis!... Sunny Day is still active, so use Solarbeam!

Unlike last time the beam of solar energy connected from Lurantis's scythes to the beaming sun instantly spawned within Lurantis's Scythes, so without wasting anymore time Lurantis pushed her injured scythes towards Greninja launching the powerful Solarbeam attack.

As the gigantic beam of solar energy devoured the distance between it and Greninja, Ash clenched his right fist in excitement as the devilish redness in his eyes grew brighter which resulted in Greninja's large Shuriken planted on his back to slightly fade into an orange colour, then with a bright, motivated smile carved across his sweaty face Ash supplied Greninja with another order.

Ash: Mallow and Lurantis may be our friends, but whatever you do, Greninja, do not hold back and focus all of your power into Water Shuriken!

At that exact moment Greninja unleashed a rambunctious, ghostly cry as he firmly gripped his right webbed hand onto the just turned orange Shuriken on his back, then swung the weapon over his left shoulder and using all the power he had stored within him Greninja forcefully flicked his right hand unleashing the raging orange Water Shuriken straight for the Solarbeam attack.

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