Pokemon School #15 ~ A Research In Dates!

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It was Sunday morning and Ash was up early thinking to himself.

Ash: I wonder where Gary is?... He didn't come home last night... Hey Pikachu!

Pikachu was happily sleeping on Ash's bed until he heard Ash shouting his name which annoyed
him because he doesn't like to be woken up.

Pikachu: Pika pi!

Ash: Hey! Don't give me that look! You need to stop being lazy.

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: What do you mean you're exhausted? All you did was go with Serena to Calem's house?

As soon as Pikachu heard the name Calem he pretended to fall back asleep avoiding any conversations with Ash about what happened at Calem's house.

Ash: You're acting weird Pikachu! Maybe it's just the weather... Anyway while you sleep I'll be looking for Gary....

So Ash went looking for Gary in his pj's, he didn't care what he was wearing because he was also wearing slippers too but all he cared about was finding Gary because he's been gone for two nights now.

Ash: I wonder where he is?....

Gary was walking out of the park when he noticed Ash stood still turning around as if he was looking for someone.

Gary: Hey Ashy boy!

Ash: Ahhh Gary!

Gary: Woah! Chill Ash.... You look like you've seen a ghost!

Ash: The only reason I'm out here in my pj's and slippers is because I was looking for you! You haven't been at home for two nights!

Gary: Jeeze... chill Ash! I told your mum I was staying round a friends house till Sunday.

Ash: Well she never told me that!... I was home alone!

Gary: Aw is Ashy boy scared of the dark?

Ash: Well at least I've been on a date and you haven't!

When Ash said that Gary felt like he had a car thrown at him, he never thought Ash would go on a date, he thought Ash was too dense.

Gary: You? Go on a date? Come on Ash stop pulling my leg! You never went on a date!

Ash: Oh really? Well it was yesterday! With Serena... And it was the best night I've had.

Gary: There's no wayyyyy, you're lying surely!

Ash: Fine... Ask her tomorrow at school!

Gary: I will! And if it turns out that you was lying then you're done for.

Gary smirked thinking he was going prove Ash right, but what he didn't know was that Ash did actually go on a date with Serena.

Ash: Anyway... Can we go home! I'm freezing, I'm only in short clothing!

Gary: Stop crying Ashton... It's only the cold!

Ash: Only the cold is it? I'll make sure squirtle shows you what cold is when we get back! Or better yet! I'll show you a little Pika power? Your choice?

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