Pokemon School #123 ~ A Meeting From The Past!

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It was a frosty, cold Wednesday morning. The day Ash would be jumping onto a ferry and heading to Alola for a year. However, during the night, the Kantonian was visited by Leafa, Celebi and Marko's Greninja when he was asleep.

When he woke up from his long desired slumber, they had gone and Ash still doesn't know about their visit. Not familiar to his surroundings, the last thing Ash  saw the packed stadium, but finally awake, he opened his eyes to find himself inside a medical room within the Pokemon Centre.

He was very confused, but he slowly came to realise that he must of fainted or collapsed during his battle with Calem, so he gently shuffled his legs from underneath the quilt to the side of the bed where his legs dangled in the cold airspace below.

Before jumping off the medical room, Ash began rubbing his arms to warm himself up before stepping onto the marble floor. When he felt warmth, Ash pushed himself off the bed and onto the freezing marble floor forcing his entire body to shiver.

Step by step Ash dragged one foot after the other as he approached the exit hoping to find someone with a familiar face. Once he finally made it outside the medical room, he showed no hesitation to start moving as he picked up his pace and began heading towards the front desk where Nurse Joy was currently standing.

Nurse Joy: Oh Ash! Don't push yourself so hard!

Ash: I'm fine Nurse Joy, really, I am.

Nurse Joy ignored Ash's claim and rushed to his side wrapping his right arm around her neck as she guided him to the nearest seat.

Nurse Joy: You may look fine, but you've got a busy day ahead of you with all the packing and travelling to Alola.

Ash: Oh, that's right! I go to Alola today.

Nurse Joy: Professor Sycamore and Delia discussed about it last night back at the Professor's lab, but the only they said to me was to keep you checked on, so you don't get yourself into trouble.

Ash: Get myself into trouble? With the condition I'm in I don't think I'm fit for battling anytime soon.

Nurse Joy: That would be the best for your health young man. Get plenty of rest during your plane journey and when you arrive in Alola make sure to get large amounts of rest right away.

Ash: Understood.

Nurse Joy: Great, now all I need to do is book you out of the medical room, then you can do whatever you like within these premises until someone you know comes to act as your guidance.

Ash: Jeeze,  Who ordered the heavy protection...

Nurse Joy: Not only requested by your mother, but many of your friends too.

Ash: They must of been very worried when I was asleep.

Nurse Joy: They were. A young girl with green hair stayed by your beside for a few hours then left. Not long after, another girl, but with blonde hair arrived with a boy with green hair. Visitor after visitor, they were coming in to pay their wishes for you.

Ash: Sounds like a lot of people... Wait! Where are my Pokemon?

Nurse Joy: Honestly, I do not know. However, your partner Pikachu was with your mother.

Ash: That's a relieve... I'm hoping that my other Pokemon are safe too. Anyway! Time to get refreshed with a long hot shower!

Nurse Joy giggled at the young Kanto born as he threw his arms up in excitement as it's been some time since he last felt the relaxing feeling of warm water running along his body.

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