Pokemon School #137 ~ Z-Marko!

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December 19th 2016

Leafa's POV

Myself and Greninja are slowly working our way through the heavily fortified forest. The vines and bushes are too thick preventing us to see from afar, but with caution we were making progress. The two of us were so ever eager to find Marko after all this time being apart. However, there is a chance of him not being in Alola. I thought of the risk and I took it. Alola was my best hope for finding him, but I won't give up until I find him again, so we can finally return back to our time period.

"Gren!" Greninja shouted out towards me pointing in a horizontal direction from where we were standing. His red beady eyes were fixed on that specific direction. I stood silently still until Greninja would notify me that he was satisfied with our safety, but without telling me he shot off.

His blue arms hovered behind his back as he zoomed off allowing his feet to barely touch the ground as it was like he was floating a few inches off the ground, but I quickly shook my head to snap myself out from my daydream and gave chase after the speedster.

Not too far from where Leafa and Greninja was established, Ash, Kiawe and Mallow were still fending off a horde of Team Skull members.

Ash: Iron Tail!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu's yellow jagged zigzag like tail flashed turning into a metallic weapon. One by one Salandit and Yungoos charged at Pikachu, but the electric mouse had far greater reflexes managing to swing and hit every Salandit and Yungoos that came his way.

Kiawe: Ash, we won't be able to keep it up much longer.

Ash: I think its time you used that trick of yours.

Kiawe: I strongly agree... Mallow and Lillie. Follow Ash and Pikachu.

Mallow: What about you?!

Kiawe: I'll be fine. I have something planned for the grunts anyway.

Lillie: Stay safe... Mallow come on.

Grabbing Mallow's wrist, Lillie began dragging the green haired girl following Ash behind a large tree trunk where they took cover.

Kiawe: Charizard, return!

Kiawe slowly raised his arm while gripping tightly onto Charizard's Pokeball through the use of his left hand. A red laser zapped the large Fire-type converting him into portable energy.

Kiawe: Turtonator! I want you to focus all your emotions and energy into this next attack.

The Blast Turtle Pokemon looked back at Kiawe as his trainer checked his Z-Ring which was planted on his left wrist.

Kiawe: Alright! Turntonator lets go!

Kiawe placed his left wrist over his right in a crisscrossed position summoning the symbol of fire triggering his Z-Ring to activate. Shining brightly red, Kiawe and Turntonator began glowing in blazing red energy.

Skull Grunt: It can't be... A Z-Move.

Ash: Kiawe can use one too?!

Kiawe: Open our mind! Our body.... And spirits! Become a raging fire and burn!

Kiawe and Turtonator smashed their right foot into the ground in front of them, then swung their right fist back and forth. The fire user flicked both his left and right hands up twice increasing the tensity of the fire covering his body.

The process was complete as another symbol appeared in front of Turtonator. It consisted of a stretched triangle attached on top to a zigzagged rectangle  finishing with a small central gap between the two shapes.

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