Pokemon School #128 ~ A Brand New Start ~ Part One!

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Delia: Ashhhh! Time to wake up dear! And don't forget to wake your friends up!

Ash: Urgghhh...

Ash's POV

I guess it's time to get up... It is way too early for this, but Hau, and the others need to get their luggage in time for the flight which is in a few hours. I sat up in my bed wiping my eyes to clear my vision to find Pikachu peacefully sleeping at the end of my bed. As his trainer I thought I would be nice and give Pikachu a gentle nudge to wake him up. However, after what he did yesterday, not happening. I slowly urged my foot towards him hoping he wouldn't wake up, then once I was close enough I gave him a forceful, but gentle nudge which was enough to kick him off the bed.

"Pika pi!" Which was all I heard before Pikachu let sparks fly as my bedroom lit up like fireworks in the night sky. My entire bedroom was covered in black soot, the walls, ceiling, desk and even Hau who had just risen from his slumber.

Hau: What just happened?!

Pikachu: Pika pi!

The electric mouse aimed his tiny, yellow finger towards Ash claiming he was the culprit for waking Hau up.

Ash: Me?! I can't use Thunderbolt!

Hau: Then why am I covered in black soot... Oh jeepers! Your entire bedroom has had entire make over!

Ash: Thanks to Mr. Sparky.

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu easily caught onto Ash and his teasing, so he began charging his rosy red cheeks with electricity hoping to scare his trainer in return.

Ash: Okay, okay! I was kidding!... I may or may not have pushed Pikachu off the end of my bed...

Expecting to receive a clump around the head, Ash prepared himself as he tucked his head into his left shoulder only to hear a sound of laughter. He quickly looked over at Hau who had fell to the ground in tears of laughter, but Pikachu didn't look impressed as a sour look found its way onto the electric mouse's face, so in reply Pikachu strolled over to Hau and placed his tail upon his back.

Ash: Wait, Pikachu don-

Pikachu: Pikaaaaachhuuuu!

Not being able to control his Pokemon in time, Ash quickly dove into his bed sheet searching for cover, but it wasn't enough as Pikachu's Thunderbolt obliterated the bed sheet.

No less than a few seconds, Delia came bursting into the bedroom surprised at what she found. Hau was laying on the ground with puffs of black smoke escaping his mouth while Ash was hanging half of his bed with his burned bed sheet beside him.

She looked further into the bedroom to find Pikachu cleaning his fur with his tongue acting like nothing had happened.

Delia: Oh boy... This will be something I'll be glad to miss when the three of you are in Alola.

Ash: L-L-Lucky you...

Leafa: Oh my, what happened in here?!

Mallow: We heard a loud explosion so we came running.

Mallow, Leafa and Lillie peered into the bedroom to find a black soot covered Ash and Hau rise from the floor looking exhausted already.

Ash: Make sure to remind me... Never push a Pokemon off a bed.

Lillie: Oh Ash... Out of all the Pokemon, you choose Pikachu, a Pokemon who would immediately unleash a powerful Electric-type move.

Delia: It serves you right for teasing Pikachu, anyway! Chop chop! We must leave the house in exactly two hours, so Lillie, Mallow and Hau can get their stuff from the dorms, then off to the docks to meet Sycamore!

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