Pokemon School #25 ~ When Dreams Become Reality!

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It was Sunday morning but still really early, Ash and Serena were sleeping until Ash had that dream again.

Ash: Huh! It's this dream again! Why am I having another one?

Froakie: Fro!

Ash turned around to see Froakie, But Froakie wasn't alone, he was with a trainer but it looked like Froakie wasn't listening to the trainer.

Trainer: Froakie use bubble!

Froakie: Froakie...

Froakie refused to use bubble and instead charged at its opponent and used pound.

Ash: What is Froakie doing?

Trainer: Froakie! Why won't you listen to me?

Froakie: Fro!

Froakie shook his head and ran in the opposite direction of the trainer, he refused to be with the trainer.

Ash: Froakie....

Then everything went black, Ash couldn't see anything except from a small blue light which was Froakie.

Ash bent down and placed his hand on Froakie's head.

Ash: Why didn't you listen to your trainers before?

Froakie: Fro...

Froakie faded away and everything went black, Ash then woke up, he was sweating badly, he looked to his left to see Serena peacefully sleeping so he slowly laid back down trying not to wake Serena up.

Ash: Why do I keep having these weird dreams about Froakie...

Serena slowly woke up rubbing her eyes, she turned to see Ash looking at the ceiling, she could tell that something was on his mind so she wrapped her left arm around Ash which caught his attention.

Serena: Ash what's wrong?

Ash looked to his left once again, surprised to see Serena awake.

Ash: Oh! Morning Serena.

Serena: Morning... But what's wrong? You look worried...

Ash: I don't know what it was... A dream or a nightmare.

Serena took her arm away from Ash and sat up.

Serena: Huh? What do you mean?

Ash: Well... remember when my mum stayed here for the night?

Serena: Yeah I remember, that was the night before our date.

Ash: Well I had a dream or a nightmare about Froakie.

Serena: Froakie?

Ash: Yeah, then he evolved twice but then everything went black and before I knew it I was in a stadium.

Serena: What else did you see?

Ash: Well whatever Froakie evolve into stood in front of me but it looked different to what it was before, it had a big water shuriken on its back, a red fin on top of it's head and he also had hair like mine but with red lighting bolts.

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