Pokemon School #48 ~ From Kalos To Alola!

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Authors Note: Instead of publishing the chapters at 9pm UK time, I'll be publishing the chapters at 10pm UK time instead! Due to school starting again! Anyway enjoy and stay awesome!

Hau: Are you ready to battle Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Hau smiled at Pikachu and stood back up with five Poke balls firmly in his hands.

Pikachu walked up next to Hau leaving Ash's lifeless body with a confident look on his face, he wanted revenge on the hunter for hurting Ash.

Pikachu: Pika!

Hau: I'm not going to let you take Pikachu or any more Pokemon! And I will help Ash save Gary and Serena!

Hunter J: You sure are confident... But let's burn that down a little...Salamence use Flamethrower!

Salamence: Rarwwghhh!

Salamence raised its long blue neck and opened its large jaws, slowly a fire began to form inside its mouth and and fired from inside the large Pokemon's mouth.

A large flamethrower approached Hau and Pikachu, but Pikachu reacted quickly and intercepted with its Thunderbolt.

Hau looked over at Pikachu and nodded his head as a sign of saying thank you.

Hau: Now it's mine turn! Everyone come out!

Hau tossed all five Poke balls into the air which released five different Pokemon, first was Charizard who was then followed by Sceptile and Infernape, then two more small Pokemon followed afterwards.

They all looked around expecting to see Ash, but only to be surprised to see Hau instead of Ash.

Charizard: Charr!

Pikachu: Pika... Pika pi!

Charizard looked over to where Ash was laying on the ground only for the large orange lizard to grow angry.

Pikachu was explaining to the other Pokemon about what happened to Ash and why he was on the floor.

Once they understood the situation they were in all six of Ash's Pokemon looked over at Hunter J.

Hau: Like I said! I'm not giving up till the very end! And if that means saving Ash and fighting until I win then I'll do just that!

Hunter J: Why can't you be a good boy and let me take that Pikachu off your hands.

Hau: Not happening! Charizard! Infernape! Use Flamethrower!

Charizard: Char!

Infernape: Fernape!

The two fire type Pokemon fired their attacks into each other causing the large flames to combine into one big Flamethrower, but hunter J ordered Salamence to use Hyper beam which cut through the combined flamethrowers.

Hau: Quick Infernape! Use Close Combat to repel the Hyper Beam!

Infernape began to throw punches after punches, blocking the Hyper Beam from making contact, but the attack was too much for Infernape, the beam broke through and directly hit Infernape sending the fire type crashing into a nearby tree, but parts of the Hyper Beam missed Infernape and hit Hau and all the other Pokemon alongside him causing a large explosion to occur with the after effects of a large dust cloud.

Hunter J: Salamence, let's make a break for it! I don't want to risk getting captured while we have boy and girl captured.

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