Pokemon School #97 ~ Wrestle Maniac!

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Mallow: I....I..

Ash: What is it Mallow? Spit it out already.

She took a deep breath and smiled as she looked over at the Kantonian.

Mallow: I just want to say thank you!

Ash: Thank you? There's no need to thank me.

Mallow: Sure there is! Firstly you agreed to be in this tag team with me and you also accepted me, Hau and Lillie into your group.

Ash: Huh?... Accepted? You're making it sound like we put you three through a trial.

Mallow: Oh! Sorry... I guess I'm just exaggerating a little, but still! If it wasn't for you and the other we wouldn't be able to experience amazing moments!

Ash: You're welcome I guess...

He sweatdropped not knowing what to say or think about Mallow's thank you, but he shrugged it off and carried on planning out his team for the tournament.

Mallow: Hey Ash? You want a coffee?

Ash: Yuk! No way! Coffee tastes horrible!

Mallow: What?! You don't like coffee?

Ash: That's right... The smell and taste is yuk!

Mallow: Okay then.... But you're missing out.

Ash: I'll just have a glass of water thanks.

Mallow: Suit yourself.

*Start Of Ash's POV*

Coffee?! How could Mallow like coffee? I watched her walk over to the counter where they served all the food and drinks with disgust, but I could tell she was going to be a while, so I went back to picking a team of six to take with me.

Pikachu is definitely coming with me. He's my go-to partner in any situations! But who else do I pick... Maybe I should choose Torterra as it has been quite some time since I used him. Anyway! Pikachu and Torterra could be my front two..... Charizard is quite power with his different range of moves and having the ability to fly as well will come in handy so I'll add him to my roster.

So off I went planning my team until the unexpected happened. I jumped up in shock to hear Mallow screaming in fright pointing a small figure standing on the counter. The figure was kinda small, around 2ft 5 I think, but he or she is wearing some weird clothing.. An outfit or costume made out of leaves?!

*End Of Ash's POV*

???: Mhm!

The employee at the counter couldn't understand what the figure was saying. Standing before the employee and Mallow, the figure began pointing towards the food and drinks with its arm which was glowing white, but what surprised Mallow was that robber didn't had any interest in the cash register which confused her.

The cafe employee finally understood what the mysterious figure wanted and began to fill a crate up with pastries and bottles of drinks. Once the employee handed the crate over to the figure it quickly ran outside the cafe.

Ash: Mallow! Are you okay?

Quickly running over to where the scene happened. Ash check on Mallow and told the employee to ring officer Jenny immediately.

Ash: We need to find that robber and get back the food and drinks.

Mallow: Agreed! We better hurry before he or she gets away.

Ash: Right! Let me grab my laptop before we head off.

So with a plan in mind, Ash grabbed his laptop and began running after the mysterious robber alongside Mallow.

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