Pokemon School #18 ~ Strong Admiration!

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Ash: What do you mean 'more famous than you think'?

???: Look at the computer screens.

Ash turned his head to all the computer screens, what he saw shocked him.

Ash: H-how did you get these...

???: They're all over the Internet.. Each video has over ten million views.

Ash continued to look at the computer screens, they were showing Ash battling in his previous leagues, they were showing battles between Ash and Conway, Ash and Richie, Ash and Barry and so on, there was countless battles going on.

Ash: Wait! This must be how Sycamore found out... But he said he's been watching me since the Kanto league...

???: Let me guess... They broadcast it over tv?

Ash: Yeah... Sycamore said that too..

???: But why do you seem so concerned about it?

Ash sighed, he explained that he was hoping to keep it a secret that he's travelled five different regions and has over fifty different Pokemon.

???: Well you might be lucky enough..

Ash: What do you mean?

???: Well maybe students in this school haven't seen your videos yet.. that's why they haven't noticed you yet.

Ash: Well I want to keep it that way for now...

???: How come?

Ash: When my mum first told me that I was going to school, I didn't want a lot of attention, I just want  to be a normal boy that goes to a normal school.

???: It's fine I won't tell anyone... I don't really have friends.

Ash: How come?

???: I get bullied.. So instead of walking around the school at break and lunch I lock myself in here and watch your battles and take notes.

Ash: Haven't you told anyone? Like Sycamore?

???: Well I've tried to.. But the bullies have threatened to beat me up if I told anyone.

Ash placed his hand on ???'s shoulder.

Ash: I'll be you're friend! You can come and hang with me!

???: Wait! You being serious?

Ash: Yeah sure! And if the bullies start to bully you then just let me know and I'll see if I can talk to them.

???: But they like to start fights...

Ash: Don't worry I've got your back!

???: Thanks Ash! No ones ever done anything like this for me before and now the great Ash Ketchum is helping me!

Ash: Just call me Ash... Anyway what's your name?

???: Oh my name?

Ash: Yeah! Everyone's got one silly.

Ash smiled, he tired to make everything alright.

???: Oh yeah of course! My name... Is Shota.

Ash: That's a awesome name!

Shota: You think so?...

Ash: Yeah!

Shota: Thanks Ash!

Ash slowly walked around the room, looking at the computers until he came along a notebook, he picked it up and started to read it.

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant