Pokemon School #129 ~ Breaking Into The Christmas Spirit!

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It was bright and early on a Saturday morning, as the sun crept into Gary's bedroom the beams of light poked at his face forcing him to twist and turn underneath his thick quilt. After a few more minutes of snoozing in his king like bed, Gary was disturbed during his beauty sleep by Umbreon who had pounced onto his bed like he was hunting for prey.

Umbreon: Um! Breon?..

Gary expressed a sleepy groan as he reached out for the wall behind him stretching his arms out of discomfort. The Kantonian withdraw his arms, then sat up in his bed while rubbing his eyes clean. Once his vision was pure, he found Umbreon sitting at the end of his bed with a grand smile on its face.

Gary: What do you want?...

Umbreon: Um!

Umbreon jumped off the bed and ran out of the rooming dropping a hint meaning it wanted Gary to follow. He sighed as he pushed himself out of bed, then wrapped his body in a white dressing gown showing off his naked legs since he always wore shorts and bright puffy pink slippers in the morning.

Dragging himself into the main room of the dorm, Gary was walloped by the smell of something cooking. He sniffed the air a few times to pick up the scent and began following the smell where he found himself inside the kitchen standing before Shauna who was making pancakes.

Gary: You're settling in quickly aren't you?

Shauna: Oh, morning Gary! I see Umbreon woke you up, thank you.

Umbreon: Um!

Shauna bent down and slowly rubbed behind the Moonlight Pokemon's right ear gifting slight comfort, then held out her hand showcasing a small Pokemon treat which stood out like treasure for Umbreon as he didn't hesitate to gobble it all up without leaving a single trace behind of the treat's existence. 

Shauna: As I was saying. I wanted Umbreon to wake you up so you wouldn't miss breakfast.

Gary: Right, but where is Serena?

Shauna: She said something about going for a walk on her own because she wanted to think about something.

Gary: Hm... Strange. Oh well, if she wants to be left alone, then we shall do that. Anyway! I'm starving! Let's eat!

Shauna: Whoa! Not before washing your hands you don't!

Gary: Wow... You might of been gone for eleven months, but you're still consistent at keeping me checked up.

While Gary sulked to the bathroom as Shauna prepped the living room table for two people. Serena found herself walking around Lumiose central square, home to Prism Tower, the beacon of the Kalos region.

Serena: With Ash gone resulting in  less drama I'll be able to work towards my goal of becoming Kalos queen. First I need to create a routine that will fit me and Braixen. Secondly, I need to find the first location of the nearest showcase... Argghhh! So much too do in such little time!

Aria: Why not pick out an outfit first?

Serena: Huh?!

Serena quickly turned her head to meet Aria standing no more than a few metres away from her.

Aria: If you want to beat me to become the Kalos queen you must look appealing throughout your performance, so why don't we go shopping for clothes?

Serena: B-B-But... What about you? You're famous in Kalos. Won't many people recognise you?

Aria: That is correct, but don't worry. The place we're going requires VIP membership!

Serena: VIP membership?! But what about me? How am I suppose to get in?

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