Pokemon School #111 ~ A Legendary Recall!

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*Start Of Hau's POV*

The hallways within Sycamore High was packed with students varying from different ages, but the reason behind all this commotion was because of Professor Sycamore was gathering everyone into the assembly hall to watch Ash and Mallow's first battle in the Sinnoh tournament which was starting very soon.

By myself I slowly squeezed past many people to see if I could spot anyone such as Gary, Serena or Lillie at least, but I had no luck until I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into a girl. I stared down at her as he recovered from her fall, so I offered my hand which she accepted.

*End Of Hau's POV*

Hau: Sorry about that! I wasn't looking where I was going.

Mairin: Oh no don't apologise... I was in the way.

Hau: I can't blame you since we're so cramped in this hallway...

Mairin: Yeah why is that? Do you know?

Hau: Oh! You don't know about the Sinnoh tournament?!

Mairin: Sadly no.. You see I started this school a few months ago, but I've been home schooled due to anxiety, but I told my mum and Professor Sycamore that I would try my best and go to lessons.

Hau: Oh... Well if you want you can hang around with me if you like!

Mairin: R-really? You would allow me to stay with you?

Hau: Of course I would! It's the least I can do after knocking you over.

Mairin: T-thank you...

Hau: Hey wait! I didn't catch your name!

Mairin: Oh.... My name is Mairin, but why are you shouting?

Hau: What?! I can't hear what you're saying.... It's way too noisy in here!

Mairin sighed then quickly gripped her hand around Hau's right wrist and began pulling him to the exit of the school. Once the two made it out alive it was peaceful and quiet which was perfect for an introduction.

Mairin: As I was saying.... My name is Mairin. Nice to meet you?....

Hau: Huh?.... Oh! That's right. My name! Silly me..... But my name is Hau and I'm originally from the Alola region.

Mairin: The Alola region?... I've never heard of that region before....

Hau: I would be surprised if you did since Alola is so far away from the other regions, but we should return back to the assembly hall otherwise we're going to be late for the broadcast of Ash and Mallow's battle.

Mairin: Wait! I have an idea which involves watching the battle!

Hau: An idea?..

Once again Mairin grabbed Hau's right wrist and forcefully dragged him back into the building, but in a complete opposite direction to where the assembly hall is, but currently sitting in the hall, Serena, Gary, Lillie, Calem, Shota, Trevor, Tierno and Miette were sitting at the furthest row possible.

Shota: I wonder who Ash and Mallow will use for their first battle!

Trevor: Ash is unpredictable when it comes to what Pokemon he will use since he has no care for the typing, but Mallow on the other hand shes a careful, calm and collected type of trainer.

Shota: I better get my notebook ready!

Calem: Who cares...

Shota: Huh?... How come? We are supporting Ash and Mallow right?

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