Pokemon School #67 ~ Ash And Mallow, Two Unique Battlers!

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It was currently first lesson on Tuesday where Ash and Mallow found themselves locked in a double battle which has been going on for a few minutes! Pikachu and Sceptile Vs Venusaur and Leavanny! Who will win?

Ash: Pikachu use Quick Attack on Venusaur! And Sceptile you use Leaf Blade on Leavanny!

Pikachu began to glow white as he dash towards the rather large plant Pokemon while two long blades grew off Sceptile's right and left arm. The two were heading towards Venusaur and Leavanny at high speed only giving Mallow so little time to think about her next move.

Mallow: What do I do now....

She began to think to herself knowing she only had a few seconds to react, but then an idea came to mind.

Mallow: That's it! Venusaur! Use Vine Whip on Pikachu and Sceptile!

Venusaur: Saurr!

Two large vines quickly grew out of the large plant on Venusaur's back and headed straight towards Pikachu and Sceptile. The large vines were edging closer and closer towards Ash's Pokemon, but Ash knew he had to do something fast or his Pokemon could end up in a tight spot.

Ash: Pikachu! Stop and use Thunderbolt on those vines to protect Sceptile!

The electric mouse Pokemon slowly stopped by pushing it's tiny feet against the ground and jumped up while charging up it's rosy red cheeks with electricity.

Mallow: Huh?! Quick thinking!

Pikachu: Pikachuuuuuu!

Pikachu released a large bolt of electricity and aimed it at Venusaur's Vine Whip. The two moves made contact, but Thunderbolt managed to come out on top leaving Venusaur and Leavanny vulnerable.

Ash: Sceptile! Change your target and aim your Leaf Blade at Venusaur!

Sceptile: Tile!

Mallow: Oh no you don't! Leavanny, put Sceptile to sleep by using Grasswhistle!

The Insectoid Pokemon pulled out a small leaf and held it against its mouth. Leavanny then began to blow on it creating a soothing and soft tune that could put anything to sleep.

Ash: Let's not let that happen! Pikachu quickly use Electro ball!

Pikachu: Pika!

Once again the tiny yellow mouse Pokemon began to charge up it's attack, but this time a large ball of electricity grew larger and bigger as it formed on Pikachu's tail.

Ash: Now aim your attack at Leavanny!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu spun around a few times to get some momentum in the Electro Ball and fired it straight at Leavanny who was too busy creating music using Grasswhistle.

Mallow: Leavanny! Watch out!

Leavanny: Leavanny?

Even the large leaf Pokemon did't notice the large electric ball heading it's way, so with no time to react, Pikachu's Electro Ball made contact with Leavanny creating a small explosion and releasing a dust cloud upon the battlefield, but during the small mini battle between Pikachu and Leavanny. Sceptile had managed to get closer to Venusaur which Ash noticed, but Mallow did not.

Ash: Now! Sceptile! Use Leaf Blade!

Sceptile: Sceptile!...

The large reptilian dashed directly straight at Venusaur and dug the it's Leaf Blade attack into the large plant Pokemon causing it to cry out in pain.

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