Pokemon School #130 ~ A Massive Alola To You!

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It was a sunny warm Saturday as the ferry carrying Ash and his Alolan friends was slowly drifting closer to Alola. However, the travelling process has taken much longer than it should of thanks to the vessel having to take multiple stops at other regions such as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Unova.

Right now, Ash was enjoying his lunch alongside Pikachu and his friends among the sun beds which were perched on the open deck of the ship. It was extremely busy as many children were playing in the pools while the parents stayed stationary watching their children play while gossiping about their daily events.

Ash: Woooooow! This ham sandwich is so yummy!

Pikachu: Pika pi!

Hau: I'm still shocked you chose a sandwich over a malasada!

Ash: What even is a malasada?

Pikachu: Pi?...

Hau: They're exclusive to the Alola region! It's a positive that I've managed to get my hands on one since this ship is from Alola, so they tend to serve different food and drink from the local region.

Ash: Remind me to try one when we hit land, but for now... The sun is so hot!

Mallow: Alola is also known for its hot  climate too!

Ash: I can tell just by sitting out in the open...

Pikachu: Chu...

Mallow: Thinking about it, the weather in Alola is very strange.

Ash: What do you mean by that?

Mallow: Alola has four islands. On each island there is different weather and temperatures. There's even an island with a massive mountain on which happens to be covered in snow!

Ash: Sounds like a trek in order to climb that thing.

Hau: My mum would tell me stories about brave explorers who would hike on that very mountain.

Ash: Sounds like that mountain has some history... Maybe one day I'll find myself on top of it.

Mallow: It will be tough, but with what you're capable with, you should be fine.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Ash gobbled the remains of his ham sandwich swallowing it whole shocking Hau with his actions. When the Kantonian finished his lunch, Leafa and Lillie turned up with their drinks. However, Surprising Ash, Hau and Mallow. Kau'i was standing beside Leafa.

Mallow: Oh! It looks like you've met Kau'i already!

Ash: Kau'i?...

Lillie: Mhm! We met her in the main room while getting our drinks. She accidentally dropped her glass of tropical juice, so we helped clean it up.

Leafa: After we cleaned up she asked if she could walk around with us.

Mallow: Well its nice to see you again after our unexpected meeting the other night!

Kau'i: Sure is!

Hau: I'm so confused right now...

Ash: Make that two of us...

Pikachu: Pika!

The electric mouse began waving his stubby yellow arms wildly in the air hoping Leafa would hand over a drink, but Kau'i was so amazed to see a very well trained Pikachu before her very own eyes.

Kau'i: Awwww, Pikachu looks so adorable!

Pikachu: Pika?

Lillie: Pikachu sure is a cute one. He belongs to Ash, the one sitting with Pikachu now.

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