Pokemon School #83 ~ A Victory Worth While ~ Part One!

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I would like to apologise for the late upload! Wattpad had a maintenance break while I was writing which was annoying, but I've managed to get a chapter out still for you guys and girls! Anyway enjoy the chapter, thank you for everything and stay awesome!


The battle between Gary and Calem has finally begun! Gary swept through the first battle as Pidgeot made quick work of Quilladin who was also at type advantage, but Calem's next Pokemon shocked Gary! Even the whole stadium were even in shock!

Commentator: Well!...What a unexpected surprise from Calem! First he uses Quilladin now he uses a Tyrantrum?!

Ash: When did Calem get one of those?!

Hau: It's gigantic!

Mallow: It makes Pidgeot look like a tiny Caterpie to that thing!

From the stands everyone couldn't believe it, but Lillie began to worry about Gary.

Lillie: I hope Gary can overcome this....

Ash: Don't worry Lillie! Gary will be just fine!

Lillie: You really think so?...

Ash: Of course! I've known Gary for some time now and I'm sure he will beat Tyrantrum and Calem's other Pokemon!

A large smile crept across Serena's face as she watched Ash motivate Lillie who seemed to get worried about Gary.

Commentator: The next battle will be Tyrantrum against Pidgeot unless Gary switches Pokemon!

Calem: So Gary?! Are you going to switch your Pidgeot out for another one of your Pokemon?

A large evil grin appeared on Calem's face as he asked Gary as the question, but Gary didn't reply.

Referee: Gary has decided to keep Pidgeot in! So let the battle begin!

Gary: Let' strike first! Use Steel Wing!

Pidgeot: Geot!

The wings belonging to pidgeot changed to an metallic silver and the large big pushed off the ground and dashed at Tyrantrum who stood perfectly still as it braced itself for the impact.

Calem: That's it Tyrantrum...Draw Pidgeot in.

The despot Pokemon waited until Pidgeot got closer and that's when Calem surprised everyone.

Calem: Now! Use Dragon Tail and slam Pidgeot into the ground!

Gary: Pidgeot! Get out of there!

But Pidgeot couldn't move out of the way in time as Tyrantrum's large scaly tail turned green and swung down on Pidgeot which sent the large bird crashing into the ground below creating a small dust cloud.

Once the dust cloud cleared everyone in the stadium gasphed in shock as Pidgeot's lifeless body laid in the middle of a small crater.

Referee: Pidgeot is unable to battle! Tyrantrum is the winner!

Commentator: What a turn around! With Gary taking the first win Calem replied with Tyrantrum which easily defeated Pidgeot! What a battle this will be folks!

Ash: That Dragon Tail was impressive, but knocking out Pidgeot like that in one blow was unexpected..

Hau: It looks so powerful!

Tierno: Well if its that powerful then Gary will have a hard time trying to beat Tyrantrum!

Serena: As long as we support and believe in Gary then he can win this for sure!

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