Pokemon School #124 ~ Applying Decisions To The Wound!

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Ash: We're here! The place I call home!

Leafa: Your home seems quite big Ash. Very modern like too, but how can you afford all this?

Leafa was very impressed as she invaded the living room studying family photos of Ash with Delia while gazing upon the fancy furniture. However, when she reached the back of the room. She noticed all of Ash's Pokemon in the massive garden behind the house. Very intrigued, she scurried over to the glass door that easily slides open and pressed her hands and face against the glass as she watched Totodile and Snivy play.

Leafa: All of those Pokemon out there look so very happy here.

Ash: Keeping my Pokemon very happy is my main goal, but every single one out there I've exeperienced an adventure with.

Leafa: They call you trainers nowadays?

Ash: Yeah... Wait! If you're telling the truth about being from the past, then what did they call people who had possession of a Pokemon?

Leafa: It wasn't trainers for that I'm sure. However, I do remember my father referring Marko to a Tamer.

Ash: A Tamer?

Leafa: You see, back in the 1500's we don't have what you call Pokeballs. Not yet anyway, but before myself and Marko were brought to your time period, a pair of Pokemon hunters who attacked us had a few objects similar to what you call Pokeballs.

Ash: Maybe I could ask Professor Sycamore about it. He loves to research, so I doubt this request would be much of a bother to him, but for now I'll show you Marko's belonging.

Leafa: Oh! That's right.

Ash: Why don't you wait down here while I head upstairs to pack some spare clothes for my trip later, then I'll bring the diary.

Leafa: Diary?...

Before Leafa could expect a reply back, Ash had already dashed up the flight of stairs hurrying to complete his side quest as soon as possible. While the Kantonian was packing extra clothes in his bedroom, Leafa took it upon herself to take a seat on the sofa. However, when she was about to lay her bottom onto the soft cushioned sofa, the front door burst open revealing Delia struggling with multiple groceries bags.

Leafa quickly reacted and shot up from the sofa and as Delia turned around after shutting the front door she dropped all the groceries bags onto the floor in shock to seeing Leafa standing in her kitchen.

Delia: W-W-Who are you and what are you doing in my house?

Leafa: Look, this looks very strange seeing a blonde girl taking a nap on your sofa, but I can explain.

Ash: Hey Leafa! I found the diary!

Ash returned back downstairs becoming completely oblivious to his mother's presence and began talking to Leafa, but she was staring sternly at Ash rolling her eyes in the direction of Delia. At first Ash couldn't understand her until she pointed her finger towards the front door.

From there Ash's jaw dropped at the sight of Delia as he continuously looked back and forth between Leafa and his mother.

Ash: Mum, I can explain everything...

Leafa's head slowly lowered into her left hand face palming to Ash's reacting like nothing had happened.

Delia: Please do young man! You've only be released from the Pokemon Centre today due to a rough time at school now you're bringing home people I don't know!

Leafa: Look, mother of Ash.

Delia: Delia, call me Delia please.

Leafa: I'll explain since I'm the older one and I should be taking responsibility for this. So... My name is Leafa and I'm on a journey to find my husband to be after we got separated through a time travelling portal. I came from the year 1516 and it looks to be that I've landed in your time period 2016 and Ash is here to help me find my husband to be since a mythical Pokemon called Celebi brought myself, my husband to be and Greninja to this exact time period and she was also interested to Ash because he emits the same aura as Marko who is my husband to be...

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