Pokemon School #106 ~ A Sinnoh Way To Enter!

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Delia: Ashhhh! Time to get up! It's time to leave for the docks!

Today was finally the day where Ash, Clemont and Mallow head off to Sinnoh for the tournament. Ash still hasn't seen Serena, Gary or Lillie since he left for Coumarine city because Delia recommended that Ash should skip school for the rest of the week and stay at home to finalize his team for the tournament.

*Start Of Ash's POV*

"Yeah okay mum! I'll be down in ten minutes!" I screamed back after rising from my deep sleep. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes to find Pikachu sleeping at the end of my bed. I had Professor Sycamore bring him over as he was part of my team for the tournament, but I also gave the Professor a note for Serena and Gary to let them know why I haven't been in school.

I do have access to a video caller, but I've been so caught up preparing for the tournament that I've either forgotten to call them or I was too tired. Oh well.. I'll bring them a souvenir back from Sinnoh as an apology, but for now I have to quickly get washed and changed because Clemont and Mallow would be waiting for me at the dock in Lumiose City.

So as I jumped out of bed I accidently woke Pikachu up which he wasn't too happy about, but I managed to escape to the bathroom before he could shock me which was lucky.

Even though I had to be quick otherwise I would be late for my ferry, I took my time in the shower as I had many things on my mind... What Pokemon I would use first, but I'm still puzzled about what Serena was trying to tell me the other day over the video caller. She stopped just when she was about to tell me, but I suppose I can ask when I return home.

Once I rubbed the shampoo through my black raven hair and warm water cleansed my body, I bounced from the shower and dried myself off then got dressed into a black top, blue trousers and pull my matte black gloves on.

I returned back to my bedroom to put on my shoes, attach the Pokeballs of the Pokemon I would be using to my belt firmly and collect a sleepy Pikachu from my bed. Now I was ready to go.

Pikachu just about managed to keep his balance on my shoulder a I ran downstairs almost knocking my mum over.

*End Of Ash's POV*

Delia: Ash Ketchum watch where you're going young mum! You almost knocked me over!

Ash: S-sorry mum! I guess I'm too excited for the tournament!

Pikachu: Pika...

Delia: Well... I can't complain since boys like you these days get excited over anything battle related.

Ash: Always! The last tournament I was in was a failure...But this time me and Mallow are going to win for sure and that's a promise!

Pikachu: Pika pi!

Delia: Great! I'll be looking forward to hearing that you've won the tournament alongside your Pokemon and Mallow.

Ash: Right!

Delia: But one last thing before we head off. You don't need to worry about your other Pokemon as I'll be looking after them like usual.

Ash: Don't worry mum, I have full faith in you.

Delia: You make it sound like looking after your Pokemon is like my life depends on it.

Ash: Well... They are my Pokemon after all and lately Professor Sycamore has been saying during school time that Pokemon slowly become like their trainers.

Delia: Excited, reckless and brave... I better prepare for the long way ahead.

Ash: Good luck mum! But let's get going! Clemont and Mallow are probably on their way to the docks now!

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