Pokemon School #149 ~ Notebooks And Past Reports!

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January 26th 2017 ~

Shota: Finish this off with Leaf Blade, Grovyle!

The Wood Gecko Pokemon dashed towards his opponent as the sharp leaves attached to either arm grew longer and became sharper. The battle was once over when Grovyle sliced and diced a students Electabuzz.

Gareth: Electabuzz, no!

After Grovyle settled down, Electabuzz collapsed after taking multiple hits ending the battle as its body smashed against the grass battlefield.

Referee: Electabuzz is unable to battle, Grovyle wins which means Shota is victorious!

Gareth returned Electabuzz to its Pokeball and thanked Shota for the battle before taking off in order to attend third lesson. Shota also thanked the referee for his assistance before perching himself on a nearby bench with Grovyle.

It was currently break time allowing Shota to loosen up and relax while Grovyle dug into his Pokefood. As break dragged on Gary spotted Shota while staring out a hallway window, so without hesitation Gary decided to join Shota on the bench.

As the Kantonian approached the timid trainer, Shota quickly looked up from eating his food to discover Gary standing next to him. To his surprise Shota quickly shovelled the current mouthful of food down his throat as he didn't expect Gary to be talking to him after what happened during an assembly a while back when they watched a broadcast of Ash and Mallow competing in the Sinnoh Double Battle tournament.

Shota: Gary?!... What are you doing here?

Gary: Oh, well as I was walking past I noticed that you were eating alone, so I thought you could use some company.

Shota: Oh.... Okay. Feel free to take a seat.

Gary: Thank you, Shota!

Taking the empty space on the bench next to Shota, Gary slammed his bag onto the main body of the bench pulling his lunch from out of his bag. As he munched into his ham sandwich, he stopped halfway through his second bite gulping the mouthful of bread and ham whole.

Gary: If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here with Grovyle anyway?

Shota: We just finished up a battle with a guy called Gareth and his Electabuzz. He's from the year below us and I was told he was quite strong for his age, so I requested a battle.

Gary: Did you win?

Shota: Mhm. With precision and careful decisions.

Gary: Sounds like the Shota I know.

Shota: I always plan my attacks beforehand, so if myself or Grovyle are in a pinch I'll be able to react quickly.

Gary: Sounds like a great strategy....

Shota: Well.... Ever since Ash left for Alola I've been working extra harder so Grovyle can become Sceptile. Once we reach that goal together we'll work as a team to master the Sceptilite, Ash had given us a long time ago.

Gary: You really do have targets to work hard towards. Like other trainers they forget about planning their dreams or goals and head in with the slightest of clues on what they want to achieve.

Shota: Its always good to have an achievable goal to work towards... Right, Grovyle?!

Grovyle: Gro!

The three slowly devoured their food along with the time they had for break until the bell rang across the entire school campus notifying all students, teachers and Pokemon that break was now over.

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