Pokemon School #100 ~ The Legendary Rainbow Figure ~ Part Three

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After a year of surviving deep within the jungle, Marko and Greninja escaped away from the nightmare. The two were finally free when a lady that goes by the name of Leafa and her partner Leafeon stumbled across them in the jungle. After introducing themselves, Leafa offered to show Marko and Greninja an exit from the jungle why also taking the two back to her home village.

After a while, Leafa and Marko stopped and had a break from walking. They sat down and ate along with their Pokemon, but they decided to talk about each others lives in order to know one another at a different view. After the apple break the group of four finished their the long trek when they arrived at the village.

Leafa: Ahhhh! We finally made it! I'm back home!

Leafeon: Leafe!

Marko: So this is the village of the west where you grew up?

Leafa: That's right! My father is the village chief here!

Marko: Father?!

Leafa: Huh?... What's with the dramatic reaction?

Marko: Oh...It's nothing... Let's go I'm starving!

Leafa: I know a great place to grab a bite! Follow me!

She grabbed Marko's right hand and began to drag him along leaving Greninja and Leafeon to slowly follow behind.

*Start of Marko's POV*

Why have I got such a weird feeling in my stomach whenever I'm around her...I've only met her earlier today, but she's incredible nice and caring. She looked after a strange man and his Greninja with overgrown hair and beard who use to live inside a cave in the middle of a jungle. I can't thank her enough so I guess I'll do whatever I can to repay that debt...But the village where she grew up in looked just like the village I lived in except they had more valuable items and supplies being sold and the cottages and houses were made out of better material.

I'm still being dragged by Leafa and it's been five minutes since we've arrived here, but she said the walk won't be that much longer before we reach a place that serves food although as I was being pulled around I noticed a group of men suited up in metal armour along with sharp spears. A Rhydon and a few Magneton's assisted them. The men weren't training... Instead it looked like they were preparing for something, but what.

*End Of Marko's POV*

Leafa: We made it!

Marko: Hm? Made it where?

Leafa: My home! I'm making you and Greninja a delicious meal as a 'thank you' for saving me and Leafeon earlier.

Leafeon: Leafe!

Marko: Really? Wow.. Thank you.

Greninja: Gren!

Marko gazed upon Leafa's home and it began to feel the slightest of jealousy because she had a second floor and he didn't, but he forgot about it and smiled since he was being given great hospitality.

Still holding his hand, Leafa opened her front door and pulled Marko in then Greninja and Leafeon followed after.

Marko: Erm?

Leafa: What is it?

He rolled his eyes in the direction of their hands indicating that she could let go of his hand. Once Leafa realized that she was still holding his hand inside the house she jumped back in shock and began to heavily blush.

Leafa: I'm so sorry!... How embarrassing...

Marko: No... No it's fine Leafa. You were full of excitement that's all.

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